Monday 3 August 2009

Traveller's Tales...


So, considering I have been back from Benicassim for going on two weeks now (it was amazing by the way :)) I think the ship has sailed for writing something about that, as people are probably bored of hearing sob stories about the lack of Kings of Leon, and crazy winds and fires.
Following this, I will continue on with my summer, most recently filled with a little visit to Giggleswick in North Yorkshire, which is as pleasant as the name would suggest :)

Though I now have some issues with AA routefinder, and had a slight speeding scare (after I thought a police car warning of falling debris was actually attempting to pull me over) the start of my weekend was taken up with copious amounts of eating, sipping neon cocktails, walking through picturesque scenery, and sharing a bedroom with a pretty cool lizard called Ezekiel, curtesy of the lovely people I stayed with.

Shame I had to leave in the pouring rain on Saturday morning, to come home to work in Spar, providing alcohol for the various miscreants in my area. But that's life hey?!