Sunday 13 August 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Thirty Two
'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you.'

On Monday I put a new poem up on Instagram - read it here - and took Aum to Old Trafford for his (and my) first ever cricket match - England versus South Africa. I didn't have a clue what was going on, but it was something different to do, and Aum seemed happy to be there so I was content reading my book in the sun! 

On Tuesday I had date four (furthest I've got since being single again oo er!) with S; we went into Hale so I could show him one of my stomping grounds. We had a couple of drinks in Victor's which he really rated, and then one more in Piccolino, which was disappointingly quiet, it felt like we were being ushered out! It was the last time I could see him before coming away to America, so was glad I got to spend some more time with him before disappearing for nine days, I feel quite confident that we'll continue talking/messaging until I get back.

My track for this week is by a young girl band from Norwich that I hadn't heard of before, but I was sent it for Candid and I liked how badass they were, and the song reminded me of something Paramore would come out with so I thought I'd give it some airtime. Also love the homage to Miss Havisham in the video.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty dull days spent prepping for California - I had my hair cut (free cake at the hairdresser's!) and Mum dyed it afterwards, I took the dog to the parent's, packed my suitcase - and I got a taxi to the airport at 10am on Friday ready for the absolutely mammoth journey to Pelican Hill, the resort I am staying in with Aum and his parents in Newport Beach.

We arrived late that evening (this place is amazing but more on that later..) though the eight hour time lag meant it seemed like super early morning to us. Yesterday morning we had the most INCREDIBLE buffet breakfast at the resort, fruit and yoghurt parfait, freshly made pancakes, waffles and french toast, cheese blinzes, muffins and pastries, meat, cheese, four types of sausage, I was in heaven! I have literally never stayed anywhere like this before, our 'apartment' has a posh coffee machine, sea views, marble floors, a huge open fireplace, a balcony with iron sun loungers and enough miniatures in the bathroom to start a shop, which have of course worked their way into my toiletry bag to take home... 

We spent the day by the pool sunbathing and relaxing, and in the evening we went to Fashion Island, a gorgeous outdoor shopping centre with fountains and cute little striped awnings over the shops. We ate at Cheesecake Factory there, where we all shared crabcakes to start and then I chose jambalaya pasta for main course which was delicious, if big enough for three people!

Today after another morning by the pool we headed to nearby Laguna Beach for a wander around. It had some lovely little boutiques, including a French macaroon shop where we sampled flavours such as white chocolate and basil, matcha green tea and Earl Grey, and an awesome second hand designer clothes shop that I could have spent a fortune in! I resisted though and instead opted for a quirky straw handbag as I have wanted a new beach bag for a while. 

We ate that evening at a Mexican seafood restaurant on the beachfront called Las Brisas that had been recommended. I had their signature cocktail, an orange margarita, and after calamari to start I then went for sauteed prawns with mushrooms, asparagus and rice. The view of the sunset was absolutely perfect, with the backdrop of the cliffs, and palm trees hanging over the sand in the foreground, it has definitely been one of those evenings that will stick in my mind for a long time. 

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