Sunday 8 January 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week One
'It's only been a moment. It's only been a lifetime. 
But tonight you're a stranger, or some silhouette.'
(Silhouette - Aquilo)

So new year, fresh start; and that is exactly the position I feel in as I write this post having now been relationship status: single for all of three hours... end of an era yet beginning of a new ride.

Perfect opportunity to get back on the blogging bandwagon which I have fallen off basically since the relationship started in Feb 2015. With my undiagnosed yet definitely apparent OCD in full force though, I do have notes for every week since I stopped writing, so the dream is to catch up, alongside documenting the future from here on out. 

So ignoring the huge breakup elephant in the room, (which no doubt will be touched upon here and there though without any 'intention' of poor taste) this week has been pretty bloody good. Back at work on Tuesday, yet still basking in the post- Christmas rays of chocolate and socialising and heavily listening to an album from one of my favourite bands in recent times, Aquilo.

Monday's Bank Hol was spent exploring Macclesfield Forest, an area previously unventured to which has been on the To-Do list basically since summer when we got Ferryn (the dog). A number of walking routes can be taken around the location, and there are mountain bike trails for any andrenaline junkies out there to partake in. It took about half an hour to drive there from near the airport, nice easy journey, and they have a cute little log cabin type shack that does hot drinks and homemade cakes (and oatcakes for any lovers of the midland delicacy). Ferryn was in her element and if it knackers her out for a few hours then everyone's smiling.

The rest of the week was fairly quiet, the early work starts took their toll for a few days and most evenings were spent slumped in front of the telly, the most exertion being a game of Scrabble on Friday. In usual style I lost, and reflected on why I even did an English degree when it clearly really is good for nothing.

Saturday I moseyed off to Newcastle to visit some of my university friends. Most of us live around Manchester so I escape trekking 90% of the time, so I have been long overdue a roadtrip. I drove and took along my mate Joe who had travelled up from London, took us about three hours so not horrendous, though the 50mph limits on the motorway kill me every time.

It was a casual affair, we got pizza and then headed out later on to a few bars for some drinks, starting in Alvinos, a casual retro place with a funky cocktail menu separated into spirits and made to look like an old school Argos catalogue - the Jammy Hendricks was top notch.

Second we headed to Pleased To Meet You which is a gin bar with an industrial feel about it, all copper exposed pipes and artisan style tiling. I swerved away from the gin for once and had a couple of glasses of the Riesling white wine, which was a little pricey at £9 a glass (albeit a large one) but is one of my favourites so I didn't mind the splurge, helped along by the fact we were doing rounds.

The final stop of the night was a good old fashioned club - Digital. It adhers with tradition in that it was extortionate to get in (£8), played remixed chart music that meant the dancefloor was jam packed, and drinks were ridiculously cheap (a round for 6 was £13.80).

After a hearty full English this morning courtesy of our host Brian, Joe and I made the long journey back to Manchester, with a pit stop at Wilmslow station for him to catch his train home to the big smoke. I landed chez Sophia at 5.30pm, giving just enough time to be dumped and left by 6pm - points for promptness!

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