Sunday 29 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 13 
'I'm searching for cheap thrills some way and somehow'
(Fluffy - Wolf Alice)

This week began with a Sofar Sounds on Monday, this time it was inside an office block on New York Street, and I took Jason as he has never been to one before. There were four artists who played: Danish Kristian Harting, a band called Glass Tides, travelling American Alina Ly and Benjamin Yellowitz. I personally loved the band as they used strings as part of their performance and, being a huge fan of Florence and the Machine for that reason, it added the same dreamy aspect that I love.

On Wednesday I went out for dinner with Laura at a Japanese place in Manchester called Samsi. We started with tempura vegetables and then I had a seafood udon noodle dish. It was nice to catch up, and even though the prices were reasonable anyway, the best part was the food was free as she had a voucher from Christmas!

On Thursday I saw Wolf Alice at The Ritz with my friend Lauren. They did a great performance, good on stage charisma and talented musicians. I was surprised at the large venue choice but they definitely did it justice, I am expecting big things from them.

Friday marked the official start to my week off work, woohoo! I started as I mean to go on with a fantastic brunch yesterday with Abi courtesy of the adorable Sugar Junction in the Northern Quarter (latte and pancakes with blueberries and clotted cream if you were wondering) followed by an event at Warehouse where we recieved cute little bracelets with our initials on and could have our hair done in a choice of 5 up dos. I was babysitting that evening so decided a hair style may be a little OTT, but it was fun watching Abi get hers done, complete with pastel pink chalked plait! 

Today I have had a nice relaxing Sunday, hangover free with some yoga and a good ol' fashioned roast at my parents. Bring on time off!

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