Sunday 26 February 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Eight
'Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal'
(Albert Camus)

Since Wednesday this week I've been on 'house arrest' (living at Aum's whilst his parents were at a conference in America) so on Tuesday I went on another date with W to try and enjoy what little time I had free. We went for food at Solita in Didsbury and then to the cinema at Parrs Wood. I had (a margarita and) the simple chicken burger, which was huge - I have a pretty healthy appetite and it completely defeated me - but was delicious nonetheless. I also scrounged a cheeseburger spring roll off W's starter, which was AMAZING, like a Mcdonald's in a roll! 

We were so occupied chatting that we totally lost track of time and missed our cinema showing (we were supposed to be watching Lion) so ended up seeing John Wick Chapter 2 instead, as there wasn't much left on. I haven't seen the first one but don't think it mattered; it was your typical explosions, violence and fast car filled action movie, but to be honest I was brought up on that stuff so it was easy viewing, and Lion is supposed to be really sad, so at least it saved my mascara. There's also got to be a positive to us both being too busy to pay attention to the time!

This week's track is another mainstream chart tune I'm afraid, but I have such a girl crush on Dua Lipa (I'm trying to blag tickets to review her Ritz show in April for Candid) that I couldn't resist, and it has a great drop! I also posted a new poem on my Instagram page on Tuesday, a twist on a traditional sonnet, which you can read here.

On Friday Aum and I went out for dinner to try out the fairly recently opened Côte Brasserie in Hale. We went fairly early at 7pm as it is quite an adult oriented restaurant, and had a choice of tables. The atmosphere was lovely and staff were very attentive, taking our coats and orders promptly. I had a glass of white wine and Aum went for a cloudy lemonade, and we shared a couple of starters; the saucisson sec (like French chorizo) and the reblochon (cheese and thyme) version of the pissaladiere (flatbread with caramelised onions). I had a simple steak frites with Roquefort butter for main, and Aum had the duck with gratin potatoes and cherry sauce. Everything was cooked to perfection, Aum particularly enjoyed the potatoes, I've never seen him eat so much! Portion sizes were spot on as well, small enough to eat everything but big enough to fill you up, although we still managed to squeeze in dessert (I'm a sucker for a creme brulee). 

Yesterday morning we went to the Runway Visitor Centre for a tour of Concorde to help with his project (I don't half do some random things because of my job!). I honestly thought I'd be super bored and itching to leave asap, but it was actually interesting, the amount of buttons and levers in the cockpit was incredible, and the speed and times it took to get to places was totally mind blowing - we got a certificate to say we'd been on board and everything, geek!


In the afternoon we went to Oxygen Freejumping, a trampoline centre next to the Trafford Centre. I didn't take part as felt like having a couple of hours to read and enjoy a coffee by myself - entertaining kids is exhausting! Aum seemed to have a fab time though which is always the goal. We got a few small dishes to share for dinner at Pesto at the Trafford Centre afterwards and then just had a chilled night in.

Today I finally got released! After a quick brew at home I met up with a few friends for a dog walk at Styal Country Park followed by a good ol' roast at The Ship Inn, I love having them both on my doorstep. The roasts at the pub are insane, my friend Laura and I shared a lamb shoulder for two with all the trimmings, and then had room for sticky toffee pudding for dessert. There were seven of us and we ended up staying for ages, sheltering from the horrible weather chatting and having a laugh, lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I am going out soon into Wilmslow for a few drinks since I have basically been teetotal all weekend, looking forward to a cocktail or two!

Sunday 19 February 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Seven
'You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry, and nobody can make you happy.' 

This week was half term meaning I have had Aum all day, and Tuesday was Valentines Day, so I thought I was going to have a bit of a crappy week. However, my best friend got engaged and asked me to be her bridesmaid which I was so chuffed about (congrats Lyd & Rob!), and although there's always that one annoying person overusing soppy hash tags on social media, I felt genuinely happy for the people who are in rewarding, fulfilling relationships. It was good confirmation that being single hasn't made me bitter and cynical, but excited for when it's my turn again in the future to build something with someone new.

The track I've chosen this week I heard as one of Radio 1's 'Track of the Week'. It is a total pop guilty pleasure, but sometimes you need a song to bop around to right? 

On Wednesday Aum and I went to the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester as he's currently working on a project on the history of aviation (which basically means I am doing it too!). Not going to lie, the highlight of the trip for me was probably the food in the restaurant; I had a squash and Garstang blue cheese tart with salad and cous cous which was a really tasty flavour combo, but I guess it was pretty fun messing around doing the science experiments on the top floor. Sometimes I get so caught up in the monotony of the school runs and homework that I forget how much I love my job, actually getting to spend time doing fun activities with Aum reminds me I'm not really a boring nagging bitch!

On Thursday I popped to The Cake Gallery in Bowdon with Aum as a reward for getting some homework done (I think it was more for my benefit!) and I had a day off work on Friday, so decided to make the most of the situation and head for some drinks on Thursday evening with my friend Alice. There are so many places in Manchester that have deals on a Thursday that we were spoilt for choice, but we settled on El Capo tequila bar in the Northern Quarter, where cocktails were 2 for £10, tequila was 4 shots for £10 and a bottle of prosecco was £16. We had a margarita each and then shared some prosecco before heading on to Matt and Phreds where they had a jazz band on, so there was an upbeat atmosphere. I was sensible and got the last train home at midnight, but we still got suitably merry and had a laugh, and it was a bonus to check out town on a different night to just the weekend.

On Friday I had a date with the guy I met out in Hale last week, I'll refer to him as W (again, no relevance!). We met in The Alchemist on New York Street and had a couple of drinks (French Martini) before walking to Salvis in the Corn Exchange for a meal. I was impressed at the restaurant choice, I'd never been but it was a lovely setting, the right amounts of private/open and fancy/casual. We shared a four seasons pizza for starter, and then I had the seafood risotto for main and we got a bottle of red wine. The food was rustic and flavoursome, which I think is often the charm with Italian places. 

It was cool getting to know someone initially in person, as opposed to having already chatted loads like when it's via a dating app. I felt more curious about what he had to say as I'd not preempted anything. He has quite different qualities to anyone I've been on a date with before, and it was a welcome change. He actually seemed to be absorbing everything I spoke to him about, and we had lots of things in common, but clear contrasts which kept it interesting. He was funny and confident, but not in an obvious, attention seeking way, and I could tell he was enjoying himself but he wasn't fawning so it kept me guessing. 

After food we decided to go for drinks in the Northern Quarter, and since he had planned both the previous places (again another plus point), I took him to a couple of my faves. Firstly we went to the 'secret' bar in Cane and Grain - those who haven't been should check it out (if you can find it...), it has table service and does awesome cocktails. I went for the Bloomsbury Tale and North Pole drinks, both of which were gin based but the first was fruity and sharp whilst the latter was creamy with amaretto soda dust; and W had the City of Gold (a rum punch type thing) and Negroni Ristretto, which was a whiskey and campari concoction served in a coffee pot. Feeling pretty tipsy at this point, we decided to sack off the train/ tram home and stay out, so went to Hold Fast for a few drinks and a bit of a dance. Bloody good date with a (thus far) bloody nice bloke!

Yesterday I did something I've not done for years, and went out AGAIN making it three nights in a row, but if the opportunity's there, why not! I went back into Manchester for my friend Emily's birthday, this time to a place I'd not been in before - Eastern Bloc Records. It is a cafe and record shop during the day which turns into a bar at night (we were there on the funk/soul/blues night); full of hipsters obviously, but try and find somewhere in the NQ that isn't. I had to hit the espresso martinis as I was flagging a little, but made it to PLY for some prosecco, and then got the tram back into Altrincham when my friend Ellie was leaving to meet W from last night again. We went to the Con Club for a bottle of wine, and then left when it closed for a drink in House. It was completely spontaneous, which is not my usual, but I am really busy next week so knew I probably wouldn't see him and the weekend had been so much fun already I didn't want it to end!

Today however, has been AWFUL. Serves me right for polluting my body with so much alcohol I suppose, lesson learnt. I've been totally restless; I tried reading, meditating, sleeping, watching a film... I couldn't even concentrate long enough to eat all my tea. Good job I'm working a lot next week so will be detoxing slightly, my poor liver needs it!

Sunday 12 February 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Six
'Just be a tough act to follow; a free spirit, with a wild heart.'
(Simple Things - Miguel)

So my little puppy Ferryn had her first haircut this week! I'll be honest, she is pretty skinny and I was worried I'd go and pick her up and want to cry because she looked like a rat, but they did a great job (cheers Dog Beauty in Timperley). I was obviously real jealous of her looking all cute and trim because I went and had my own hair cut on Friday (though at Bellisimo in town, not Dog Beauty...). I dyed it beforehand, using Schwarzkopf Live colourant in shade 035 - Real Red. I also put another poem up on my Instagram, so far sticking to my plan of doing it weekly - check it out here.

I'm going a bit old school with the track this week, I don't quite know how Miguel hasn't made it onto my radar more before. I Shazammed this record off the TV and then got the album and it is completely badass, like an amalgamation of The Weeknd before he went mainstream, mixed with Prince and a bit of Lenny Kravitz. The bass on this single has had my car vibrating all week, and Gigi is in the video, which can only confirm it is quality. 

On Friday evening Tasha, Abi and I went for some much needed drink at Victor's in Hale. Tasha was working the next day so couldn't make a full night of it, but it was great to catch up and have a giggle. Abi and I stayed out and got talking to a couple of guys - one had already caught my eye from across the bar - and we ended up on porn star martinis and dancing in Suburbia, Hale's closest thing to a club. I think spontaneous nights always end up being the best; I got his number and we're going out next week so check back for an update!

Yesterday I felt like I was dying for the majority of the day, and only eventually made it home to mine at 5pm. Benn invited me to the cinema (he was in a world of hangover pain as well) but there wasn't much on and I honestly couldn't face leaving the flat, so he just came round and we watched crappy Saturday TV, I think any kind of company is always appreciated to calm the post-alcohol anxiety after a night out!

This morning I went for a lovely walk in Alderley Edge with Emily and Smeed and the dog, but it was bloody windy at The Edge, it definitely blew away the cobwebs! Ferryn of course chose all the deepest muddiest bogs to jump and play in after smelling like flowers all week, but she was having fun so I'll let her off.

This afternoon after dropping the dog off at the ex's, I met Laura in The Laundrette in Chorlton for a 'coffee' which turned into a cocktail (I had the soap sud caipirinha) - there's a precedent to adhere to when we get together! I drove us back to Didsbury where she lives and we had some wine in Mary and Archie, it had been ages since it was just the two of us, so we had a proper laugh catching up. I had cod and chips from Ida's Fish Bar to soak the remaining booze up so I could drive home, which was a lucky decision as I got a very dramatic phone call after Ferryn had a funny turn at Jason's, so I had to take her home. She is now fast asleep; panic over thank goodness, though secretly I think she was just missing her mummy! 

Sunday 5 February 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Five
'Don't be a cartographer, be the explorer.'
(Girls - Ray)

This week I finally got my spare room back after three long weeks of it being a cargo store for all my ex's stuff! It feels good to have everything out of the flat, and I intend giving it a lick of paint and turning it into a reading/ yoga room to make full use of the extra space.

On Thursday I posted a new poem on my Instagram page, check it out here. It's the first time I've put one up since before Christmas, but I'm hoping to stick with getting one a week published like I used to from now on. I've also been taking advantage of the free 6 month contract to Apple Music that I got with my latest phone contract, I love the curated playlists they have on there, and have made my own featuring a few of my favourite upbeat songs, which includes the track above, it's great for before a workout/ night out.

On Friday I had my second 'date' with T and went to The Depot Climbing Centre in Trafford Park. It's an activity I've wanted to try for a while, and he goes regularly so seemed an ideal opportunity. I paid £16 which included shoe hire (£3) and a year's membership (£5) which gets you £2 off each time you go (£8 instead of £10 non member). I managed to complete green, white and blue routes, although the latter I did cheat slightly on by having help, mainly because it freaked me out being stuck so high up and realising I have awful grip. T was an encouraging coach though, and I returned the favour by being highly impressed at his skills, there's something quite primal about a guy exerting strength swinging across a wall, quite the turn on.  Overall it was a fun new experience, and I hope to go back to try and not be quite so bad next time.

With achey shoulders and raw hands we decided to go for some food at Chiquito in nearby Salford Quays. They let us order off the set menu despite it not normally being available on a Friday, and I got a margarita to drink (£5 on happy hour woo!) - although I wasn't too thrilled at the lack of salt around the rim, poor show. I got the nachos followed by a chicken enchilada, and struggled to finish as the portions were pretty huge, we even cancelled the churros we had previously ordered for dessert, and I am not normally a girl that turns down sugary treats!

It was quite liberating going to a restaurant in chalk covered gym gear with frizzy hair and not being self conscious; I think that's something I'm enjoying about spending time with T - he's one of those people that seems incredibly comfortable and doesn't apologise for being himself, and not necessarily in a cocky way. I don't feel the need to impress or like I'm being judged, which creates a chilled vibe where I can be completely at ease; it's so refreshing to just relax instead of feeling pressure and overthinking. Even if I never saw him again, it's been a valuable lesson in appreciating the moment.

Philosophy moral for the week learnt, yesterday I went into Stockport with my mum for a bit of a shop. I got a decent haul in Primark, including some new semi mesh gym leggings, a chartreuse velvet dress and some silver mirrored loafers, along with a velour hoody, some replacement pumps and a couple of new candles for my living room. We had a quick coffee and lunch in Costa, and then headed home so I could get ready for a meal with some friends.

A group of 8 of us went to Urban Burger Bar in Altrincham last night, for a catchup and some dirty burgers. If I'm honest the service wasn't the best, but the food and prices more than made up for it. I got a mudslide cocktail, two glasses of wine, the wild boar burger with bacon, cheese and barbecue sauce and shared some fries and my total bill was £25, absolute bargain.

Today I have had a lazy day, T came to mine in the afternoon for a few hours and we watched the rugby (though I didn't have a clue what was going on) and this evening has been spent binge watching more Girls, which I am now nearly on season 4 of, whoops!