Sunday 5 February 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Five
'Don't be a cartographer, be the explorer.'
(Girls - Ray)

This week I finally got my spare room back after three long weeks of it being a cargo store for all my ex's stuff! It feels good to have everything out of the flat, and I intend giving it a lick of paint and turning it into a reading/ yoga room to make full use of the extra space.

On Thursday I posted a new poem on my Instagram page, check it out here. It's the first time I've put one up since before Christmas, but I'm hoping to stick with getting one a week published like I used to from now on. I've also been taking advantage of the free 6 month contract to Apple Music that I got with my latest phone contract, I love the curated playlists they have on there, and have made my own featuring a few of my favourite upbeat songs, which includes the track above, it's great for before a workout/ night out.

On Friday I had my second 'date' with T and went to The Depot Climbing Centre in Trafford Park. It's an activity I've wanted to try for a while, and he goes regularly so seemed an ideal opportunity. I paid £16 which included shoe hire (£3) and a year's membership (£5) which gets you £2 off each time you go (£8 instead of £10 non member). I managed to complete green, white and blue routes, although the latter I did cheat slightly on by having help, mainly because it freaked me out being stuck so high up and realising I have awful grip. T was an encouraging coach though, and I returned the favour by being highly impressed at his skills, there's something quite primal about a guy exerting strength swinging across a wall, quite the turn on.  Overall it was a fun new experience, and I hope to go back to try and not be quite so bad next time.

With achey shoulders and raw hands we decided to go for some food at Chiquito in nearby Salford Quays. They let us order off the set menu despite it not normally being available on a Friday, and I got a margarita to drink (£5 on happy hour woo!) - although I wasn't too thrilled at the lack of salt around the rim, poor show. I got the nachos followed by a chicken enchilada, and struggled to finish as the portions were pretty huge, we even cancelled the churros we had previously ordered for dessert, and I am not normally a girl that turns down sugary treats!

It was quite liberating going to a restaurant in chalk covered gym gear with frizzy hair and not being self conscious; I think that's something I'm enjoying about spending time with T - he's one of those people that seems incredibly comfortable and doesn't apologise for being himself, and not necessarily in a cocky way. I don't feel the need to impress or like I'm being judged, which creates a chilled vibe where I can be completely at ease; it's so refreshing to just relax instead of feeling pressure and overthinking. Even if I never saw him again, it's been a valuable lesson in appreciating the moment.

Philosophy moral for the week learnt, yesterday I went into Stockport with my mum for a bit of a shop. I got a decent haul in Primark, including some new semi mesh gym leggings, a chartreuse velvet dress and some silver mirrored loafers, along with a velour hoody, some replacement pumps and a couple of new candles for my living room. We had a quick coffee and lunch in Costa, and then headed home so I could get ready for a meal with some friends.

A group of 8 of us went to Urban Burger Bar in Altrincham last night, for a catchup and some dirty burgers. If I'm honest the service wasn't the best, but the food and prices more than made up for it. I got a mudslide cocktail, two glasses of wine, the wild boar burger with bacon, cheese and barbecue sauce and shared some fries and my total bill was £25, absolute bargain.

Today I have had a lazy day, T came to mine in the afternoon for a few hours and we watched the rugby (though I didn't have a clue what was going on) and this evening has been spent binge watching more Girls, which I am now nearly on season 4 of, whoops!

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