Sunday 12 February 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Six
'Just be a tough act to follow; a free spirit, with a wild heart.'
(Simple Things - Miguel)

So my little puppy Ferryn had her first haircut this week! I'll be honest, she is pretty skinny and I was worried I'd go and pick her up and want to cry because she looked like a rat, but they did a great job (cheers Dog Beauty in Timperley). I was obviously real jealous of her looking all cute and trim because I went and had my own hair cut on Friday (though at Bellisimo in town, not Dog Beauty...). I dyed it beforehand, using Schwarzkopf Live colourant in shade 035 - Real Red. I also put another poem up on my Instagram, so far sticking to my plan of doing it weekly - check it out here.

I'm going a bit old school with the track this week, I don't quite know how Miguel hasn't made it onto my radar more before. I Shazammed this record off the TV and then got the album and it is completely badass, like an amalgamation of The Weeknd before he went mainstream, mixed with Prince and a bit of Lenny Kravitz. The bass on this single has had my car vibrating all week, and Gigi is in the video, which can only confirm it is quality. 

On Friday evening Tasha, Abi and I went for some much needed drink at Victor's in Hale. Tasha was working the next day so couldn't make a full night of it, but it was great to catch up and have a giggle. Abi and I stayed out and got talking to a couple of guys - one had already caught my eye from across the bar - and we ended up on porn star martinis and dancing in Suburbia, Hale's closest thing to a club. I think spontaneous nights always end up being the best; I got his number and we're going out next week so check back for an update!

Yesterday I felt like I was dying for the majority of the day, and only eventually made it home to mine at 5pm. Benn invited me to the cinema (he was in a world of hangover pain as well) but there wasn't much on and I honestly couldn't face leaving the flat, so he just came round and we watched crappy Saturday TV, I think any kind of company is always appreciated to calm the post-alcohol anxiety after a night out!

This morning I went for a lovely walk in Alderley Edge with Emily and Smeed and the dog, but it was bloody windy at The Edge, it definitely blew away the cobwebs! Ferryn of course chose all the deepest muddiest bogs to jump and play in after smelling like flowers all week, but she was having fun so I'll let her off.

This afternoon after dropping the dog off at the ex's, I met Laura in The Laundrette in Chorlton for a 'coffee' which turned into a cocktail (I had the soap sud caipirinha) - there's a precedent to adhere to when we get together! I drove us back to Didsbury where she lives and we had some wine in Mary and Archie, it had been ages since it was just the two of us, so we had a proper laugh catching up. I had cod and chips from Ida's Fish Bar to soak the remaining booze up so I could drive home, which was a lucky decision as I got a very dramatic phone call after Ferryn had a funny turn at Jason's, so I had to take her home. She is now fast asleep; panic over thank goodness, though secretly I think she was just missing her mummy! 

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