Tuesday 14 March 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Eleven
'Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished'
(Lao Tzu)

I had just about recovered from the weekend's hen party on Monday, but still had a quiet few days at the start of this week. I went to watch Aum in his school concert on Tuesday evening which was very sweet, lots of super talented young boys there, two kids did James Arthur's 'Say You Won't Let Go' on guitar/ vocals and were really something. On Wednesday the sun was shining so I took the dog for a run around on the football fields behind my house and I got my latest Instagram poem up, read it here.

I am so thrilled Lana Del Rey is back with her single 'Love', I was originally going to post that for my track this week, but then I watched this again and my God, that opening monologue just kills me. For me she is the epitome of a babe - skating the line between vintage and modern, empowered and fragile, feminine and badass; I could go on but I'll spare you the fan-girling. I saw her out on a date in an Italian restaurant in East Village in New York a few years ago, she is just as stunning IRL. I read a comment on YouTube (unusually, there was only one negative comment out of over 100 I read) where someone had said 'I think the reason Lana is so loved is because she represents this freedom that we all want but yet this vulnerability of wanting to be loved and making mistakes.' Absolute word.

On Friday I booked a holiday with my friend Bex, for a week in Palmanova in Mallorca in June, so excited! I can't wait to have some sunshine and lie on a beach, and we got a great deal on an amazing looking hotel 5 minutes away from the centre so it should be lots of fun. After the positivity of the day it would have been rude not to continue it into the evening and partake in a drink or two to celebrate St Patrick's Day, so I headed to Chorlton to meet my friend Rosie. It seems a common theme when it is the two of us that we end up getting absolutely hammered, so sure enough 4 bottles of prosecco later (in Oddest, Chorlton Tap and Electrik) I found myself sleeping in her loft instead of taking the last train home; successful catching up!

Yesterday after a horrible early tram/ train ride back home (to be honest I think I was still steaming) I had a lazy, chilled day and then my mum came round in the afternoon with not one, but two different types of cake (carrot and lemon for anyone wondering), did the washing up and dyed my hair, what an absolute star. In the evening I met up with my friend Phil, known to our friends as MC, in Font Bar which is an old haunt where we all used to get very drunk on £2 cocktails when we were underage! I was driving so just had the one, a mudslide which was my signature choice back in the day. We then went to watch a band called Club Drive at Sound Control, which I was reviewing for Candid, you can read my article here.

Today after a much needed lie in, a decent breakfast and a hot bath, I finally felt a bit more alive. Benn came to mine to chill out for a bit in the afternoon, and we went to the cinema to see Get Out,a thriller/ horror that was actually much better than we both expected. After watching the trailer I thought all the best bits would have been shown, but I would recommend it, it was original and had a few surprises. 

This evening I went to Manchester Academy with Laura, where Little Comets were playing, again to review for Candid (article coming next week) it was a sold out event packed with people bopping away, which kept the energy high for a Sunday evening!

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