Sunday 26 March 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Twelve
'Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm to the sadness and life to everything.' 

My parents have gone to Sri Lanka on holiday for a couple of weeks this week (lucky buggers) so I went 'round to theirs for tea on Monday evening before they left, I'm going to miss having them around the corner when I am at a loose end/ need a natter! I had a quiet couple of days after that, I put my latest poem up on Instagram on Wednesday (read it here) and babysat for Aum that evening, I am penny pinching at the moment so the extra money was gratefully received! 

The track that I have chosen this week is one by a young girl from Oslo in Norway that I was sent to review for the magazine. I think the progression from the delicate vocals at the beginning to a more punchy electro feel is bang on trend with other current successful artists such as Purity Ring and MØ, and I have been playing it a lot recently.

On Thursday I met up with Hannah, Tasha and Abi for a meal at Cote in Hale, as I was owed a bottle of wine (a lovely Bergerac Sauvignon Blanc for £24.95 - not bad for a freebie) for joining their rewards program last time I went. After a complimentary pea-puree starter as an apology for running out of mussels, I had the pork belly, which came with savoy cabbage, baked apple, thyme and calvados jus and a separate ramekin of gratin potato, and for dessert I had the praline pancake (sans caramelised banana, anyone who knows me knows my hatred for the fruit!). All tip-top as last time, seriously impressed with the quality of the food considering it is a chain restaurant, albeit a higher-end one.

On Friday evening I stayed in, and after taking the dog for a little walk, I baked some blueberry muffins and enjoyed a glass of red wine and a couple of said muffins in front of the telly (watching The Replacement on BBC iPlayer, SO gripping!). I don't often give myself down time - I can't stand being bored so try to fill every second I am free - but sometimes a chill-out at home is needed.

Yesterday the weather was glorious again, so I decided to get out of the flat and took the dog to Wythenshawe Park. I packed my book, a thermos of tea and some more muffins and literally just sat and basked for a few hours whilst Ferryn ran herself ragged. My friend Ellie and her boyfriend Jordan are in the process of moving into their new house just across the road, so they popped in for a while for a chat and a break from the chaos of unpacking which was welcome.

I got my review of last Sunday's Little Comet's gig up (read it here) in the evening, and then babysat again until 11pm before an absolute mad rush to drive home and get changed - I wore the pencil skirt pinafore I bought a few weeks ago with a lace tube bra underneath - in time to catch the last train into Manchester at 11.30pm. I just made it, and met up with some friends for my mate Jonny's birthday in Dusk 'til' Pawn, before moving next door to Noho for a boogie. With the clocks going forward the night flew by, and I eventually got in at 6am, a valiant effort!

Today aside from being completely knackered and hungover, I actually managed to make it to a gig at Sound Control with Rosie. We had a drink (latte!) at Font Bar beforehand, and then saw Lewis Watson, who is very Ed Sheeran-esque, so wasn't too raucous for our sore heads, my review of the show for Candid will be up on next week's post. I had to go via Mcdonald's on the way home for much needed late-night sustenance, and now I am off to bed; it has been calling me all day!

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