Sunday 10 September 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Thirty Six
'If you were to show me her soul in a photograph I wouldn't even ask to see the others.'
(Christopher Poindexter)

This week, Aum went back to school, hallelujah! He didn't start until Wednesday, and I have definitely not missed the two hour daily school run, but by God it feels good to be back in some form of routine. That evening I went out with Moj to Altrincham Market, where we had a two person steak from Tender Cow, with a bottle of red wine and triple cooked chips. It was a hearty piece of meat with a lovely garlic butter and chimichurri dressing but wasn't huge, so Moj ended up getting a takeaway on the way home! Afterwards we went to see Logan Lucky, the new Daniel Craig film, which was bizarre but actually pretty decent (and co-starring Adam Driver so I was always going to be happy watching it!).

On Friday I got a poem up on Insta here. In the evening Geoff and his girlfriend Louise drove up from Exeter ready for a long overdue uni reunion weekend. They arrived at 10.30pm so we had a few bevvies and chatted until the early hours before hitting the hay. On Saturday we headed into town to meet up with Chris and Rick, and ended up traipsing around a few places looking for somewhere to eat, finally settling on Artisan, which is definitely higher end than the joints we normally reside in! I had the moules frites, which was a huge portion served with a bread lid, and as I had to drive later on just stuck with a coffee. We went for a couple in Knott Bar and I toddled off to Primark for a gander before heading back to mine to get changed ready for the evening's festivities!

Back at mum and dad's, who are currently away on holiday, snack bowls were filled, beer pong was set up and the music playlist was prepped ready for when people began arriving at around 8.30pm for one of mine and Jasmine's infamous Miles parties. So many people turned up, it was fab! I wore my pinstriped velvet catsuit, got sloshed on prosecco, and the kitchen turned into a dancefloor as the night progressed, below was a particular favourite of mine that we boogied to! 

Anyone who knows me knows that I thrive off being a good host, and that paired with having everyone that I care about enjoying themselves and getting drunk all in one place is literally one of my favourite things ever. The buzz from people texting me afterwards to say how much fun they'd had (and invariably how hungover they are) always makes me smile, and there is never a lack of gossip after a house party, which has distracted me from how much my head hurts and the mess the house is in today!

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