Sunday 29 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Seventeen
'We never lose our demons... we only learn to live above them.'
(The Ancient One - Dr Strange)

Well, one word to sum up this week has to be stressful, as there have been yet more hurdles in my house buying process. The government Help to Buy scheme, whilst helping me to initially get onto the property ladder at 22 which was a godsend, has also proven to be the most frustrating and fruitless process to try and get out of/ speed up. This has not been helped by my solicitor's endless holidays and lack of communication, and an impatient vendor who has actually decided to put my little terrace back on the market on Friday to 'keep his options open' *eyerolls* - NIGHTMARE. 

Luckily I already had some fun events planned which have distracted me, and a shoutout to all my fab mates and Chris for the moral support which has stopped me acting like a raging dragon, and more of just a slightly grumpy lizard. I will get there eventually! New poetry up on Insta here, and track for this week is the coincidentally named new single from CHVRCHES, which has been my highly relatable jam.

On Tuesday I had a spontaneous afternoon off, so Jasmine and I went for a 2 for 1cocktail and brunch at The Elk in Chorlton. We both had the smashed avo and poached egg on toast, and also treated ourselves to a slice of cake to takeaway for dessert. Unfortunately the weather has taken a turn for the worst again, so we were holed up inside to shelter from the rain, but it was still good to get out of the house and make the most of some extra free time.

On Thursday it was mine and Chris's 100th date (my incessant diary symbols do come in useful sometimes!) and simultaneously our six month anniversary, which I know may be a little 'high school' to celebrate, but when you're happy who needs an excuse right? We went out for a posh tea on Friday to mark the occasion at 1847, a vegetarian restaurant I had spied online and fancied trying. It was a three course set menu that was very cryptic, but it was all incredibly tasty and looked so pretty on the plates I didn't want to tuck in.

For starters we got two dishes to share: yeasted cauliflower with red watercress, pickled grape, caperberries and mint oil, and spiced aubergine with miso butter, cashew crumb, coconut, lemon curd and curry foam. Mains were malt battered halloumi, pea hummus, tartare mousse, lemon air, black olive crumb and triple cooked chips for Chris and
crispy truffled gnocchi, ceps, girolle, tarragon, cashew, edamame bean and white truffle snow for moi. Our final course was dark chocolate, beetroot, olive oil snow, raspberry and viola (Chris) and rhubarbcardamomcoconutcashew, apple and rose water and pistachio dukka (me) - in layman's terms that was a chocolate brownie and a rhubarb cheesecake! Whilst hearty pub grub will always have a place in my heart, it was a cool change to sample some fancy nosh and made it feel like more of a special event; I even wore the booby dress I bought in Paris, which went down very well!

Yesterday I caught a train to London to visit my uni friend Claire as it was her birthday on Friday. We went for lunch at Crol and Co near her flat in Bermondsey, a cute little cafe where I had mushrooms and stilton on sourdough toast. In the evening some of her friends came 'round for a barbecue and beer pong - she had bought a gazebo for the balcony to combat the rain, and we decorated it with loads of fairy lights so it looked the part. I can't remember going to bed, but I did wake up this morning with a sore head and seven empty prosecco bottles on the kitchen side!

I powered through my hangover, as we had to catch a train to Oxford Parkway to meet our other old uni flatmate Laura, who drove us all to Soho Farmhouse. It is a private member's club set in gorgeous countryside that I have previously spied on Instagram, whilst following the blogging elite as they relax in the spa, take cookery classes, and cycle around on the customised bicycles. When Laura suggested a visit as her guests I was intrigued to have a nosy. We got quiche and salad with iced coffee for lunch and then went for a wander around the grounds and buildings. 

It was all beautiful, like being in a constant magazine shoot! We got some lovely pictures of us all sat outside the main barn, and worked out it is nearly a decade since we first met, crazy. We stopped again mid afternoon for a cake and cuppa before driving back to catch the train back to London, and for me to make my way back up north. Chris collected me from Stockport station and we have just demolished a Chinese, I am 100% ready for my bed now! 

Sunday 22 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Sixteen
'Cynics are merely idealists with unusually high standards.'
(Alain de Botton - The Course of Love)

For the majority of this week I have been staying at Aum's whilst his parents are away. Much as it is technically 'work', having the housekeeper cook and clean up after me, eating out for free on the weekend and sleeping in a suite bigger than my whole flat quite often feels like more of a holiday! It obviously prevents me socialising as much, but also means I don't spend money on going out, give my liver a bit of a rest, and I get paid extra at the end of it, so there are worse situations I could find myself in. 

This time around I wasn't staying over until Wednesday evening, so I had a couple of errand running days and chilled nights at home; the added bonus of the weather this week has definitely perked up the more mundane tasks - the usual freezing my ass off sat on a leather sofa outside whilst getting the car valeted (it's a real classy establishment, read: cheap) was half an hours sunbathing! 

On Thursday my spinning class was cancelled, which I took as an omen that I should be out frolicking in the sunshine. I met up with Abi at The Little Deli Company for coffee and a salted caramel brownie, and we had a catch up as it felt like ages since I'd seen her, or any of the girls for that matter! I am looking forward to a night out we have planned with everyone for over the Bank Holiday weekend.

On Friday Aum had cricket after school, so I popped 'round to Em and Smeed's whilst he was there as they were having a barbecue with a few of our mates. After I collected Aum we got Pix Pizza, which is a tiny 'posh' woodfired pizza takeaway in Altrincham. I had an artichoke, mushroom, olive and feta pizza, whilst Aum had a wild boar and chilli one. We watched Dr Strange whilst eating, which took a cool philosophical slant on the usual superhero film.

Yesterday I managed to do a bit of yoga in the garden as the sun was still out, and then we went to Wythenshawe Park with my mum and the dog for a walk (and a Mr Whippy). In the afternoon I sunbathed listening to some podcasts for a while whilst Aum practised at the cricket nets. That evening Aum wanted to take me to a restaurant that he goes to with his parents a lot, Sanskruti in Withington. It is a vegetarian Indian joint, and although we ordered way too much food, it was all super tasty. I tried jackfruit for the first time in a manchurian dish which was incredible, it has texture like meat so is a really good substitute. I also got the tandoori mushroom amritsari, samosa chaat, and ringan no oro, a baked curried aubergine main with roti, and Aum had the special dosa.

This morning Aum played a cricket match in Wilmslow which gave me a couple of hours to spruce myself up back at home so I could go out straight after finishing at 3pm. It was Chris's brother Kieran's birthday, so we met up with some of his family for a Sunday roast at The John Millington, followed by some drinks. I had the goat's cheese tartlet with all the trimmings, and definitely celebrated the end of working all week by drinking lots of prosecco - Kieran got a free bottle for his birthday so it would have been rude not to partake!

I also got some fresh new poetry up here, and my track of the week above is a bit of a rogue one; as a rule I don't like Ariana Grande, but I literally cannot stop playing this song, something about it just hits me right in the feels. There's a bit of pop in all of us I suppose!

Sunday 15 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Fifteen
'Sometimes I want a quiet life other times I want to go a little bit fucking Gatsby.'

This week has been blissfully empty. Those that read my blog regularly may accuse me of being maniacally busy, but the following (rather short) post is proof that sometimes I do stop for a breather, and hence why I particularly loved the above quote, as it sums me up to a tee. 

On Monday I made waffles for breakfast, and got a poem up on Instagram, read it here. Other 'highlights' of this week include spring cleaning my flat, finally getting my ass back into the gym, and bingeing on podcasts; I blitzed my way through multiple episodes of Death, Sex & MoneyCtrl Alt DeleteBryony Gordon's Mad WorldThe High LowMy Dad Wrote A PornoLate Night Women's HourSavage Lovecast and Is It Just Me? (click for info on each, there's quite the variety!). Due to my incessant podcasting, I haven't listened to much new music recently, so my track of the week below is one from the vault of all-time faves.

I stayed on the boat for the weekend with Chris, which was super chilled and felt like a mini holiday. On Friday I spontaneously finished work at lunchtime, so we went to the gym together that afternoon (apparently we are now one of those couples) and used the sauna and steam room post-workout. My fitness has definitely taken a backseat over the last few months, but I am determined to get back into going regularly, and committing to going with Chris means I can't back out!

Yesterday Chris and my dad went to watch Altrincham play footy, and we all convened at my parents for tea that evening. My mum is awesome and always makes such an effort to cook veggie food when we come round, this time she made beetroot and bean burgers with homemade coleslaw, followed by avocado chocolate mousse, the recipes of which she found in 'The Hairy Dieters Go Veggie' book. It was all proper tasty, and we drove back stuffed; though I still had enough room for some red wine and chocolate whilst watching House of Cards.

We did the same gym and sauna sesh this afternoon, after a relaxing morning pottering about on the boat. This time we got fish and chips for tea on the way home, which sort of counteracted the exercise, but I am always a strong advocate of balance!

Sunday 8 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Fourteen
'You can't fall in love with a hurricane and expect to keep her in a box. You fell for her winds, let her be the force she was born to be.'
(J Iron Word)

Starting a week with a day off has to be the best way right? I woke up quite early to hammering rain; Chris was supposed to be watching the Altrincham footy match with my dad, but it was cancelled due to a waterlogged pitch. We took advantage of the plan change and went for lunch at Thyme Out in Didsbury, I had baked eggs with haddock and sourdough and a side of veggie black pudding which was divine, and their hazelnut lattes are my absolute favourite as they flavour the foam on top. 

We went for tea at my parent's house that evening, my mum made a chestnut, mushroom and leek pie and homemade trifle, top food day! Chris and I went home and watched Paddington in bed with Easter eggs, such a heartwarming film; and just before I went to sleep I received a message from the guy whose house I had left my lost Pandora bracelet at - proving social media definitely has its positives, woohoo!

On Tuesday I was back at work, and Aum had his cousin Euan to stay for the week (who we spent three weeks in LA with last summer) so it has been fun packed. I was staying late that evening to babysit so we went for dinner at Chiquito and to watch Ready Player One in 4dx at Parrs Wood cinema. Jasmine came with us, it was a bonus to have some adult company! The film was excellent with a great message to kids (and adults) in today's technology obsessed world.

On Wednesday Aum's six month old cousin Xavier came to visit for a couple of days; it was so lovely to have a baby to look after for once, especially one who is so adorable. I left him with his grandma for a couple of hours and took the older two to Energi Trampoline Park in Handforth, which gave me a bit of time to chill by myself, and it is a great centre for wearing kids out (I must admit I quite fancy a go myself). On Thursday we went to check out the new Dino Falls outdoor crazy golf in Trafford Park, which was so much fun! It has anomatronic dinosaurs everywhere and it was a gorgeous sunny day; it made a change to be out enjoying the fresh air.

On Friday I took the boys to Chill Factor:e and they spent a couple of hours on the slopes whilst I ate brownies and went on Pinterest - I do love my job! Once I had finished work I went into town to meet Chris and a couple of his band mates for food in Bundobust. We got the banquet for four and added a few extras, and I succumbed to a couple of wines after a hectic week. Afterwards we went for a drink in Behind Closed Doors , which I have wanted to visit ever since it opened last year. An underground prohibition style drinking den, it shows vintage porn on TVs around the seating areas, and sells a variety of funky cocktails and different gins. I am excited to take my friends back for a girly night out there.

The weekend has been a chilled one, I kind of needed it after running 'round like a blue arsed fly all week. Saturday I went to John Lewis for cake and to a couple of other retail parks with my mum, and on Sunday I went to Love Thy Neighbour in Chorlton with a big group for brunch, I had pancakes with berry compote, yoghurt and granola. As a total Instagram whore, it was aesthetically perfect for pictures, with neon signs, a ceiling with dangling plants and funky tiling. Afterwards I went to Chris's boat with Ferryn, and we walked to Lyme Park before having homemade vegan pizzas for tea, lush!

My track for this week is pure Europop trash. I first heard it just after I had graduated from uni, when I went to Benicassim with my sister and a load of her mates. Sunshine, beaches, booze and awesome music was the perfect way to celebrate the end of education, and I pulled a super hot tattooed guy (we'll ignore the fact that he was jailed in Thailand later that year...!) so when this came on whilst I was at the trampoline park it made me smile at the memories.

Sunday 1 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Thirteen
'I hope to arrive to my death, late, in love, and a little drunk.'

My week started on the gorgeous streets of Paris. As Amanda had to leave for work early and I had specifically booked an evening flight to make the most of my last day, I went for breakfast at an adorable little cycling cafe I found online called Le Peloton. I had waffles with walnuts and nutella, and then went on the dangerous expedition that is solo shopping. When I'm indulging in some retail therapy with other people, I find that it is more about the social aspect, and I don't really go in with my game face on. As such, I nearly always come back empty handed. Shopping alone gives me zero distractions, no time scale to stick to and, most importantly, noone to talk me out of a particularly zany buy (you should see the haul I have come home with).

I got some black and white checked 3/4 length trousers from Stradivarius (LOVE this shop), and from Zara, an oversized orange sweatshirt dress, a bright purple velour hooded top, a black crossover bodysuit, and a black bondage style dress with gold clasps that makes my boobs look fabulous (seriously, I sent pictures from the dressing room to Chris and my sister in awe). Fitting it all in my hand luggage was a challenge, but definitely worth sitting on my case for. The weather was beaut again so I stopped for lunch on the steps outside the Pompidou Centre and then read my book in the sunshine before heading to the airport for my flight.

I was back at work on Tuesday and we just had a chilled day at home as Aum was still off school ill, although he was much better than last week. On Wednesday I got a new poem up here, and I went to see  at The Ritz with MC, Ellie and Jade. She was incredible on stage, she had so much energy and her voice was top notch live, and I was also diggin' her sports luxe outfit, new girl crush. My track of the week above is my total fave of hers.

On Thursday Aum was feeling much more himself, so we ventured out to get his hair cut and stopped beforehand at Sweet Octopus for a coffee and cake, I finally tried the Hello Kitty one! After I had finished work I met Rosie in Chorlton for what was supposed to be a few drinks in Brewski and Dulcimer; but ended up being 5am, 3 bottles of wine down at a gathering at a random guy's house doing yoga in the living room. At least my life isn't predictable! I did manage to leave my Pandora bracelet there though which was a major bummer when I woke up at home the next day, but more on that later...

On Friday, unsurprisingly I was hungover to all hell, but dragged myself out for brunch with the girls at Toast in Altrincham. Hannah had left bunches of daffodils on all our place settings, bless her, such a cute idea. I had crayfish on sourdough and a much needed coffee, and then went back to bed for a few hours to recuperate! In the evening I went into Manchester to meet Bex who had come to stay with her friend Lucy for the night. I didn't fancy more booze so drove in, and had a couple of rhubarb lemonades at Allotment Bar, which is all garden themed and uber Instagrammable.

Yesterday had been planned for a long time, as it was to celebrate my mate Jonny's 30th birthday. A big group of us went to Gaucho off Deansgate for their 'Electro Brunch' - a two hour all you can eat and drink feast. It isn't cheap at fifty quid, but we well and truly got our money's worth, with smashed avocado on toast, eggs florentine, salted caramel french toast, banana pancakes, and steak, salted beef eggs benedict and chorizo with eggs for the meat eaters. All of that washed down with my first ever Bloody Mary (surprisingly tasty!), an Aperol Spritz, and nearly a whole bottle of fizz, and that was just me! Emily made a great 'pancake' cake that had M&Ms and skittles in the centre, and we took advantage of a couple of happy hours in Hold Fast and The Whiskey Jar afterwards, and then I toddled off to catch the train to Poynton where Chris collected me from the station for a night on the boat.

Today has been a much needed chill day. We had our first morning sans alarm in about three months, cooked a lovely little brunch, watched some House of Cards, and now I am back at home bingeing on TV whilst Chris is out DJing for the night. Another bonus day off tomorrow, I can't wait!