Sunday 1 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Thirteen
'I hope to arrive to my death, late, in love, and a little drunk.'

My week started on the gorgeous streets of Paris. As Amanda had to leave for work early and I had specifically booked an evening flight to make the most of my last day, I went for breakfast at an adorable little cycling cafe I found online called Le Peloton. I had waffles with walnuts and nutella, and then went on the dangerous expedition that is solo shopping. When I'm indulging in some retail therapy with other people, I find that it is more about the social aspect, and I don't really go in with my game face on. As such, I nearly always come back empty handed. Shopping alone gives me zero distractions, no time scale to stick to and, most importantly, noone to talk me out of a particularly zany buy (you should see the haul I have come home with).

I got some black and white checked 3/4 length trousers from Stradivarius (LOVE this shop), and from Zara, an oversized orange sweatshirt dress, a bright purple velour hooded top, a black crossover bodysuit, and a black bondage style dress with gold clasps that makes my boobs look fabulous (seriously, I sent pictures from the dressing room to Chris and my sister in awe). Fitting it all in my hand luggage was a challenge, but definitely worth sitting on my case for. The weather was beaut again so I stopped for lunch on the steps outside the Pompidou Centre and then read my book in the sunshine before heading to the airport for my flight.

I was back at work on Tuesday and we just had a chilled day at home as Aum was still off school ill, although he was much better than last week. On Wednesday I got a new poem up here, and I went to see  at The Ritz with MC, Ellie and Jade. She was incredible on stage, she had so much energy and her voice was top notch live, and I was also diggin' her sports luxe outfit, new girl crush. My track of the week above is my total fave of hers.

On Thursday Aum was feeling much more himself, so we ventured out to get his hair cut and stopped beforehand at Sweet Octopus for a coffee and cake, I finally tried the Hello Kitty one! After I had finished work I met Rosie in Chorlton for what was supposed to be a few drinks in Brewski and Dulcimer; but ended up being 5am, 3 bottles of wine down at a gathering at a random guy's house doing yoga in the living room. At least my life isn't predictable! I did manage to leave my Pandora bracelet there though which was a major bummer when I woke up at home the next day, but more on that later...

On Friday, unsurprisingly I was hungover to all hell, but dragged myself out for brunch with the girls at Toast in Altrincham. Hannah had left bunches of daffodils on all our place settings, bless her, such a cute idea. I had crayfish on sourdough and a much needed coffee, and then went back to bed for a few hours to recuperate! In the evening I went into Manchester to meet Bex who had come to stay with her friend Lucy for the night. I didn't fancy more booze so drove in, and had a couple of rhubarb lemonades at Allotment Bar, which is all garden themed and uber Instagrammable.

Yesterday had been planned for a long time, as it was to celebrate my mate Jonny's 30th birthday. A big group of us went to Gaucho off Deansgate for their 'Electro Brunch' - a two hour all you can eat and drink feast. It isn't cheap at fifty quid, but we well and truly got our money's worth, with smashed avocado on toast, eggs florentine, salted caramel french toast, banana pancakes, and steak, salted beef eggs benedict and chorizo with eggs for the meat eaters. All of that washed down with my first ever Bloody Mary (surprisingly tasty!), an Aperol Spritz, and nearly a whole bottle of fizz, and that was just me! Emily made a great 'pancake' cake that had M&Ms and skittles in the centre, and we took advantage of a couple of happy hours in Hold Fast and The Whiskey Jar afterwards, and then I toddled off to catch the train to Poynton where Chris collected me from the station for a night on the boat.

Today has been a much needed chill day. We had our first morning sans alarm in about three months, cooked a lovely little brunch, watched some House of Cards, and now I am back at home bingeing on TV whilst Chris is out DJing for the night. Another bonus day off tomorrow, I can't wait!

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