Sunday 15 April 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Fifteen
'Sometimes I want a quiet life other times I want to go a little bit fucking Gatsby.'

This week has been blissfully empty. Those that read my blog regularly may accuse me of being maniacally busy, but the following (rather short) post is proof that sometimes I do stop for a breather, and hence why I particularly loved the above quote, as it sums me up to a tee. 

On Monday I made waffles for breakfast, and got a poem up on Instagram, read it here. Other 'highlights' of this week include spring cleaning my flat, finally getting my ass back into the gym, and bingeing on podcasts; I blitzed my way through multiple episodes of Death, Sex & MoneyCtrl Alt DeleteBryony Gordon's Mad WorldThe High LowMy Dad Wrote A PornoLate Night Women's HourSavage Lovecast and Is It Just Me? (click for info on each, there's quite the variety!). Due to my incessant podcasting, I haven't listened to much new music recently, so my track of the week below is one from the vault of all-time faves.

I stayed on the boat for the weekend with Chris, which was super chilled and felt like a mini holiday. On Friday I spontaneously finished work at lunchtime, so we went to the gym together that afternoon (apparently we are now one of those couples) and used the sauna and steam room post-workout. My fitness has definitely taken a backseat over the last few months, but I am determined to get back into going regularly, and committing to going with Chris means I can't back out!

Yesterday Chris and my dad went to watch Altrincham play footy, and we all convened at my parents for tea that evening. My mum is awesome and always makes such an effort to cook veggie food when we come round, this time she made beetroot and bean burgers with homemade coleslaw, followed by avocado chocolate mousse, the recipes of which she found in 'The Hairy Dieters Go Veggie' book. It was all proper tasty, and we drove back stuffed; though I still had enough room for some red wine and chocolate whilst watching House of Cards.

We did the same gym and sauna sesh this afternoon, after a relaxing morning pottering about on the boat. This time we got fish and chips for tea on the way home, which sort of counteracted the exercise, but I am always a strong advocate of balance!

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