Sunday 27 May 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Twenty One
'Curvy hips, red lips, and a dangerous pair of eyes.'
(J. M. Wonderland)

It is that most glorious month where two Bank Holidays occur, and this week was the latter of those, culminating in a week off work for me, so with that looming I began Monday with a spring in my step. I met up with my mate Lewis for some lunch at Folk in Didsbury that afternoon; we sat on the terrace outside and despite it being well past breakfast I took full advantage of them still serving chocolate French toast with berry coulis and coconut shavings, which was incredible.

I've been pretty proactive with regards to my fitness this week, I did a yoga class on Monday, went spinning on Thursday, and I stayed at the boat after work on Friday so I put Chris through his paces with an abs workout. We hit the sauna afterwards for a chill out sesh. I got a poem up on Instagram as well (here). As it got nearer and nearer to the weekend I grew increasingly edgy about having made very few plans (mainly as I'd kept it free thinking I may be moving into my new house, or very naively could even be at the decorating it stage), but the prospect of the fabulous weather continuing meant that even a weekend in the good ol' outdoors didn't seem like a bad shout. 

Yesterday I was up and out early for a group workout session in the park with my sister's mate Adam, who has his own personal training business (read his awesome health & fitness blog here). It was bloody tough, especially in the muggy heat, but I enjoyed the social aspect of training with a couple of others, and once Chris had finished his guitar lessons, we walked to The Ship pub in Styal with the dogs for a few drinks in the beer garden, so I felt like I had earned a wine or two! After we had wandered back I made goodies with some filo pastry that needed using: asparagus and goat's cheese tartlets topped with sunflower seeds, and courgette, pesto and pepper rolls.

Today I spontaneously ended up at Bolt Fest, a rock band tribute festival in Bolton with my friend Rosie (as you do). The sun was shining, tickets were less than a fiver and Chris was recording with the band all day so it seemed as perfect an excuse as any to bring my hip flask out of retirement. Apart from a painfully slow replacement bus service to get home, it was a corker of a day, and probably the least messy I have got when socialising with Rosie, so I felt very proud of myself. FYI the track for this week above is the new single from Macclesfield's own Spring King, who I am glad to see return to the scene after a quiet couple of years.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Twenty
'Understand the nature of impurity. If your key is bent, the lock will not open.'

This week started with an embarrassing and almost very unfortunate accident; the tyre I thought I had been all bad-ass-independent-woman replacing myself nearly came loose! Thankfully I heard a strange clunking as I was driving so took it back into the garage where they informed me of my lack of mechanic skills - I was mortified but thankful that it hadn't resulted in more disastrous consequences.

On Wednesday I met up with my mum who had a day off, and we went shopping in Altrincham, where I absolutely cleaned up in H&M. I got two black lacy tops, a high-waisted black tulle maxi skirt and a bright red mushroom style skirt which I couldn't resist despite it being slightly bizarre. All four items came to just £22 in the sale, and then we went for a quick coffee and some Tim Bits at Tim Horton's, cracking little day. I also heard the old school tune above on the radio on the drive home, I have selected it as my track for the week, as it is a belter I had completely forgotten about.

On Friday I had tea at my parent's house, and yesterday I spent the day sunbathing on the roof of the boat whilst Chris erected his new flag (no, that's not a euphemism, see the picture above!). In the evening I met up with Tasha, Hannah and Emily to celebrate Tasha's birthday. We had some prosecco at The Con Club first and went for food at Sugo Pasta Kitchen, which was incredible as ever. Emily and I decided to share a starter and main between us, and then I shared a dessert with Hannah; it was the perfect opportunity to sample three courses without feeling stuffed afterwards. We started with the mussels, followed by a pea, mint, chilli and ricotta orecchiette and finally ended with a blueberry frangipane and ice cream. I don't usually get excited at Italian restaurants, but the food is so fresh and authentic at Sugo that I love trying their latest dishes (the menu changes with the seasons).

Today I met Chris in Fuel Cafe in Withington after his fortnightly kid's guitar lesson, Make A Ditty with Chris. His usual venue had let him down for the third time, but luckily the weather was so amazing this week he held the lesson in the park, which the kids buzzed off. The food at Fuel is lovely (it is also all vegetarian), and fortunately they have a room upstairs that they use for gigs that they offered for future lessons free of charge, so it was obviously meant to be. I had the enchiladas and Chris had the halloumi 'fishfinger buttie' and we both went for iced lattes to beat the heat.

This afternoon we have been back on the boat making the most of the rays, and Chris went for a jaunt in his recently acquired canoe! My parents popped in after walking the dog around the Middlewood way, and we went for a pint at The Boar's Head, a two minute walk from Chris's mooring. We had a bit of a dilemma when the gas canister ran out this evening halfway through cooking tea, but Chris managed to salvage the food using a portable camping stove and it turned out really well despite a lot of swearing. We are just starting the new crime thriller Netflix series Safe, which was filmed in Manchester and apparently in my old school of all places, bit of a nostalgia trip!

Sunday 13 May 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Nineteen
'I swallow the sun and light up like a burning house with flames for eyes and a smoking mouth. You pick up my ashes and tuck them into your back pocket.'
(Anita Ofokansi)

This week didn't start with the usual Monday blues, but with a nice Bank Holiday lie in, a morning coffee on the roof of the boat, and a day of lounging in the sun, bliss. Emily and Smeed popped over in the afternoon for a couple of drinks and some nibbles before they headed off to a barbecue, and I made veggie sausage, vegetable and halloumi skewers for our own disposable one, with fresh chocolate eclairs for dessert. We also finally finished House of Cards, woop!

My poor car has been in the garage for most of this week, but luckily I had access to Mum's or I would have been completely buggered. Ferryn had a long overdue haircut on Wednesday at Carrington Dog Groomers who I would highly recommend; they were so attentive and super reasonable as I had a Groupon voucher. After a disastrous experience last time at a pricey salon in Bowdon, their reassurance was very much needed!

I picked up my fixed motor on Saturday, and then drove to my parent's house to get ready for a night out with them and a couple of my dad's mates. We all piled into the car and moseyed to town to watch Chris and his band Heavy on the Magic play at Night and Day Cafe. It was only my second time watching them, but I had such a blast last time I was really excited to see them perform again. 

Although I am obviously biased as groupie girlfriend, with my music editor hat on they are such talented lads and really deserve all the support they get. Their stage presence is electric, they always get people up dancing and they throw themselves into it; my parents were raving afterwards! Being the supportive babe of a partner that I am, I have chosen to include them as my track of the week below, and if you're interested, their next gig is in Chorlton at Dulcimer on July 6th along with their mates Giant Boys, getcha tickets here

Today we had a lovely afternoon walk into Gatley with the doggies, stopping for an ice lolly in one of the fields there. We have just returned from having tea at my parent's house as my grandpa is over for a couple of days. Mum pulled out all the stops with stuffing filled Yorkshire puddings to start, followed by veggie moussaka and rhubarb crumble for pud, and then a cheeky cheeseboard. We are now plonked on the sofa back at the flat to watch Eddie the Eagle; absolutely stuffed!

Sunday 6 May 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Eighteen
'Shes no Barbie. She's Wonder Woman. With a sailor's mouth.'
(J Iron Word)

I seem to be attracting bad luck at the moment, but the gloriously sunny Bank Holiday weekend helped to keep my spirits high. On Tuesday I got a poem up on Instagram here, and then met up with my mate Lewis at Altrincham Market for some food and a catch-up, as we have been rubbish at sticking to arrangements we have previously made to meet. I tried one of the salmon rice bowls from Wolfhouse Kitchen which was amazing, and it felt a lot healthier than the pizza or pie I would usually have ordered. Song of the week above is a corker of a remix by Marian Hill of the latest single by one of my favourite bands, PVRIS.

The rest of the week was fairly quiet, Chris came 'round on Wednesday, I went to my parent's house for tea on Thursday, and I dyed my hair on Friday, so am back to 100% ginger again! I have fallen out with my car however, as I managed to burst my tyre on a pothole on Wednesday, and then got a leak in my coolant tank over the weekend. Luckily I still have a warranty, and am going to try and claim from the council for the puncture, so fingers crossed it won't be too financially damaging. 

Yesterday I met up with the usual motley crew for a day drinking session. We went to Media City to try somewhere new for a change, and it was perfect with the sun shining as there are loads of deck chairs stationed around the area on patches of grass. We veered down the cheapskate route and bought a few tinnies instead of being patrons of the bars; albeit rhubarb cider from Booths, not quite Frosty Jacks on a park bench.

We got the met into town later on for some food at the second branch of Rudy's that has opened on Peter Street. Now I have digested a lot of pizza in my lifetime, but honestly the offerings there are easily in my top three. I shared two different ones with my friend Ellie, one with anchovies, capers, olives, herbs and cheese, and the other was one of their signature 'white' pizzas, where the usual traditional tomato base is bypassed in favour of an alternative, or just extra topping. Ours had pesto as a foundation, with olives, sundried tomato, and loads of cheese - super tasty, and definitely needed to soak up the prosecco and cider!

We were walking on from Rudy's to get a few more drinks when we were pulled inside Albert Hall for the last 90 minutes of the Margarita Rumble festival that was happening there. The rest of the crowd had paid thirty quid for a two hour slot ticket, but they let us in for a fiver with it being nearly done, and it was all-you-can-drink once inside, winner. Ten different venues from around town had each developed their own version of the signature cocktail, and the premise of the event was to sample as many of them as possible and then vote for your favourite. There was a shot bar and DJ playing some great tunes so it was a lot of fun, I always love a bit of spontaneity!

Today I met Chris after his guitar teaching had finished at Boho Utopia for some lunch there off the new menu. We both opted for iced lattes to ward off the heat, and he stuck to his usual vegan all day brekkie, but I chose the beer battered mushrooms with a sour cream dip, which were divine and really filling! We headed back to the boat afterwards for a spot of sun worshipping on the roof before I got ready for a night on the tiles with Rosie at Dulcimer where Chris is DJing a 'Rebel Girls' night. Bring on the vino!