Sunday 27 May 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Twenty One
'Curvy hips, red lips, and a dangerous pair of eyes.'
(J. M. Wonderland)

It is that most glorious month where two Bank Holidays occur, and this week was the latter of those, culminating in a week off work for me, so with that looming I began Monday with a spring in my step. I met up with my mate Lewis for some lunch at Folk in Didsbury that afternoon; we sat on the terrace outside and despite it being well past breakfast I took full advantage of them still serving chocolate French toast with berry coulis and coconut shavings, which was incredible.

I've been pretty proactive with regards to my fitness this week, I did a yoga class on Monday, went spinning on Thursday, and I stayed at the boat after work on Friday so I put Chris through his paces with an abs workout. We hit the sauna afterwards for a chill out sesh. I got a poem up on Instagram as well (here). As it got nearer and nearer to the weekend I grew increasingly edgy about having made very few plans (mainly as I'd kept it free thinking I may be moving into my new house, or very naively could even be at the decorating it stage), but the prospect of the fabulous weather continuing meant that even a weekend in the good ol' outdoors didn't seem like a bad shout. 

Yesterday I was up and out early for a group workout session in the park with my sister's mate Adam, who has his own personal training business (read his awesome health & fitness blog here). It was bloody tough, especially in the muggy heat, but I enjoyed the social aspect of training with a couple of others, and once Chris had finished his guitar lessons, we walked to The Ship pub in Styal with the dogs for a few drinks in the beer garden, so I felt like I had earned a wine or two! After we had wandered back I made goodies with some filo pastry that needed using: asparagus and goat's cheese tartlets topped with sunflower seeds, and courgette, pesto and pepper rolls.

Today I spontaneously ended up at Bolt Fest, a rock band tribute festival in Bolton with my friend Rosie (as you do). The sun was shining, tickets were less than a fiver and Chris was recording with the band all day so it seemed as perfect an excuse as any to bring my hip flask out of retirement. Apart from a painfully slow replacement bus service to get home, it was a corker of a day, and probably the least messy I have got when socialising with Rosie, so I felt very proud of myself. FYI the track for this week above is the new single from Macclesfield's own Spring King, who I am glad to see return to the scene after a quiet couple of years.

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