Sunday 13 May 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Nineteen
'I swallow the sun and light up like a burning house with flames for eyes and a smoking mouth. You pick up my ashes and tuck them into your back pocket.'
(Anita Ofokansi)

This week didn't start with the usual Monday blues, but with a nice Bank Holiday lie in, a morning coffee on the roof of the boat, and a day of lounging in the sun, bliss. Emily and Smeed popped over in the afternoon for a couple of drinks and some nibbles before they headed off to a barbecue, and I made veggie sausage, vegetable and halloumi skewers for our own disposable one, with fresh chocolate eclairs for dessert. We also finally finished House of Cards, woop!

My poor car has been in the garage for most of this week, but luckily I had access to Mum's or I would have been completely buggered. Ferryn had a long overdue haircut on Wednesday at Carrington Dog Groomers who I would highly recommend; they were so attentive and super reasonable as I had a Groupon voucher. After a disastrous experience last time at a pricey salon in Bowdon, their reassurance was very much needed!

I picked up my fixed motor on Saturday, and then drove to my parent's house to get ready for a night out with them and a couple of my dad's mates. We all piled into the car and moseyed to town to watch Chris and his band Heavy on the Magic play at Night and Day Cafe. It was only my second time watching them, but I had such a blast last time I was really excited to see them perform again. 

Although I am obviously biased as groupie girlfriend, with my music editor hat on they are such talented lads and really deserve all the support they get. Their stage presence is electric, they always get people up dancing and they throw themselves into it; my parents were raving afterwards! Being the supportive babe of a partner that I am, I have chosen to include them as my track of the week below, and if you're interested, their next gig is in Chorlton at Dulcimer on July 6th along with their mates Giant Boys, getcha tickets here

Today we had a lovely afternoon walk into Gatley with the doggies, stopping for an ice lolly in one of the fields there. We have just returned from having tea at my parent's house as my grandpa is over for a couple of days. Mum pulled out all the stops with stuffing filled Yorkshire puddings to start, followed by veggie moussaka and rhubarb crumble for pud, and then a cheeky cheeseboard. We are now plonked on the sofa back at the flat to watch Eddie the Eagle; absolutely stuffed!

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