Monday 12 July 2010

If troubles were bubbles...

Have a bath and burst them all!

I have just experienced a bathing revelation.
I do like a good bath, and I sure as hell miss them whilst at uni, but even if I'm having one to relax a little, I always multitask and fit in the routine of shaving the ol' pins at the same time. Because of this, I've never been one to overdo the bubbles and wallow for hours (pruny fingers aren't becoming; they just make you look as if you've been washing up all day). Following a particularly long day at work however, I kept the razor in the cupboard, went overhaul with the Olay bubblebath and lit a dozen mismatched candles and placed them around the room.

It looked pretty for a start, and once I'd lowered myself into the fluffy lather, I was hooked. As I had the house all to myself, I tactically 'borrowed' a bottle of ros
that my sister had bought, so an ice filled glass of the substance was cradled in my hand. I put on Little Dragon's self-titled album, which may be from 1997 but get hold of it; Yukimi Nagano's voice is an absolute gem to chill out to.

I must have been in a dream world for about forty minutes, before I realised that the bubbles had disappeared, and once you're left staring at your body without it being draped in iridescent bubbles, only the vainest of people (surely!) can remain in a tub of luke-warm water.
Nonetheless, the encounter has had a positive impact, and bathing is now definately on my list of ways to unwind. Good job I have a bath in my house next year then, as I'm sure I'll feel the strain in dissertation year!

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