Wednesday 28 July 2010

Summer Views...

Inception- 5 stars *****
I was really looking forward to seeing this film, after basically all of my friends had seen it and given it rave reviews. I went without knowing anything about it, except that it was directed by Christopher Nolan, famous for The Dark Knight. As I throughly enjoyed that when I saw it, I had high hopes for anything else spawned from the same mind.

Looking at the cast, including the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Michael Caine, it is clear from the beginning that it is a very high budget piece of film. The whole concept of the plot is one that is very abstract, but one possible to acheive without the use of special effects all the time (though as in any Hollywood blockbuster, they are not spared). As such, there are a huge number of scenes that look like they could have cost millions to produce, but the end result is one of believability rather than fake overly computer generated footage.

Though it is a long film (two hours and twenty eight minutes) it keeps you gripped throughout, not just because of the beautiful cinematography and excellent cast, but also as the plotline is so complex that if you turn away for a second, you can miss something crucial to the overall piece. Without giving anything away, the simple summary of the story is that Dom Cobb (DiCaprio) is an extractor; someone capable of entering peoples' dreams and stealing the deepest secrets from their subconscious. However, this is not a career that has produced favourable results, as he has lost things dear to him through past endeavours. In a final job in order to obtain that which he has lost, he must use his talents in a different way; to plant an idea into a subject's head so as to manipulate him into a business decision. Along with a selected team (including Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt) each with their own useful abilities, he attempts this task of inception, whilst battling his own inner demons along the way.

I found the acting to be of a high standard in both the familiar, and less well known faces, and the cast all seemed very fluid together, with noone appearing out of place. Also as a fan of Marion Cotillard, I found her portrayal of Mal, Cobb's wife, both haunting and heartbreaking, and it was a role that felt tailor made for her.
Inception was a brilliant film, one which I would happily see again. It left me thinking at the end, not just because of the unexpected twist, but because of the deep topics that it focused on. It was one of those quite hard-hitting movies that almost drains you as you process the complexity of the back story and all it encompasses, but in a good way.

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