Sunday 30 November 2014

Travellers' Tales...


I got back about an hour ago from a weekend trip to Leicester to visit my friend Claire, with a stop off in Birmingham today to visit the Christmas markets and meet up with our friend Laura, who is now 7 1/2 months pregnant! 

I set off at just after 1pm, and arrived at half three, giving us enough time to pop into the town centre for a coffee at a really quirky little independent cafe called St Martin's Coffee. I had a white chocolate snowball mocha which was delicious and then we went shopping for a while to find something for Lauras's birthday which was on Friday. I got a burger from the German market for tea, and then we walked back to Claire's apartment for some predrinks and to get ready for a night out.

We started at Revolution, where we had a couple of glasses of wine, before moving onto a club, but it was pretty dead so we ended up going back to Revolution. Claire knew the bar manager there so we enjoyed some free drinks, and ended up going to a stripclub with him until 6am! It was my first experience of one, and to be fair, it was loads of fun!

Today we were so hungover it was awful, but I managed to make sausages for breakfast and we got ready to head into Birmingham. It took us just over an hour, and after meeting Laura we wandered around to find somewhere to eat a late lunch. We settled on Jamie's Italian, where I had a nice fruity drink and a deconstructed caesar salad which looked really cool and tasted even better. We gave Laura our presents which she liked, and then went for a mooch around the Christmas Markets, which were OK, but not as good in my opinion as the Manchester ones. 

It started getting dark (and very cold!) so I said my goodbyes as had the long drive home to get through. It took me 2 1/2 hours, and boy am I glad to be home and ready for a good night's sleep!

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