Sunday 9 November 2014

Weekly Update!

Awful Bands & Tinder Dates

This will only be a short one as I have spent this weekend in Dublin, which deserves its own post! On Monday I went for a coffee and catch up with Rick, and filled him in on the whole Mo situation amongst other things as it has been ages. I always have a laugh with him as he's like the male version of myself!

On Tuesday after eating sushi at the Country Club, I went to a gig at the Roadhouse with my sister to watch one of her friend's bands. Unfortunately due to me finishing work late, we only saw their final song as they were the support, and the main band were terrible! At least I got to have a cider after a stressful day though.

On Wednesday I went on my first ever Tinder date, which was an experience. We went to Sandbar off Oxford Road, and to be fair, it actually went quite well. There were no awkward gaps in conversation and we had a lot in common, and managed to go through a fair few drinks so I was pretty tipsy by the end. When I realised the time I had to make a mad dash to the train station, so ended up running with him there, giving him a quick peck and jumping on the train, so not the best end as I couldn't really gauge the situation, and I wasn't blown away with chemistry so don't think it will lead to anything. It hasn't put me off meeting people off Tinder though, and considering I've only ever been on two dates apart from ones with boyfriends, I think it could have been much worse! 

Thursday was spent packing and prepping for Dublin, and on Friday after finishing work a good 90 minutes later than usual I had a crazy dash to the train station to get to the airport on time, so was glad when I was sat in the departure lounge with the girls sipping wine and eating pasta!

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