Sunday 2 November 2014

Weekly Update!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

This week has been officially exhausting! I have had something on every single day/ night! On Monday I went to see Aquilo with my sister (see previous post) and then we stayed for a night out afterwards as Remake Remodel was on at Soup Kitchen, which is a night I've wanted to try for ages. It was really dead to begin with, but soon perked up, and played some awesome music. We got home at about 4am, and I was up for work at 7!

On Tuesday after a meal at the Country Club (braised and glazed Cheshire pork rib-eye steak with sweet potato, caramelised plum and amaretti crumble, AMAZING) I went to see the Klaxons with Tasha, who were awesome! They have recently announced they are splitting so this was the final tour, and they really gave it their all. Unfortunately I got a parking ticket, which dampened the mood slightly, but still a fun evening.

On Wednesday I dropped Aum in Pontefract and then finished for the day, so met Abi after an interview in Manchester. We went to a place called Tea 42, which does fabulous cakes (I got a huge slab of the chocolate variety), and since I was off duty I indulged in a glass of prosecco too. 

The next day I got a lie in, and collected Aum from Oldham in the afternoon. In the evening Mo came round, as there had been a slight misunderstanding that we needed to clear up. We sorted things though, and it was nice to see him, even if it made me feel slightly weird as he seemed back to his old self. I had to suck it up though as on Friday I had a Halloween party to go to! I went as a vampire, and had a great night, and it helped to take my mind off things which was much needed.

On Saturday, though slightly hungover, I dragged myself up and went to the Altrincham Market with Abi for lunchtime pizza. I had one with capers, anchovies and olives which was delicious, if a little salty. That evening I had a ball to go to! (see next week's post) It was in aid of the Lifeboats and was run by my friend Luke who I met whilst skiing. I went with Tasha and we had a great and very late/ drunken night!

Today we drove home and I went to Mum's for eggs Benedict for lunch, which was much appreciated after a night on the tiles. I had a nap there and then came home to get ready for the Indiana gig I have just returned from with Amanda (see next week's post). She was incredible live, and it was a chilled affair which was definitely required after a hectic week!

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