Sunday 7 May 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Eighteen
'Embrace the glorious mess that you are.'
(Elizabeth Gilbert)

So I would have liked to begin this week's post by recounting my fantastic day/ night out to The Oast House and Revolucion de Cuba on Sunday, however, it is all rather blurry, and I woke up fully clothed and covered in multiple mysterious bruises at my mum's on Monday morning without the foggiest how I got there, and £130 worse off, whoops. I was later told I was put into a taxi by my friend Jonny at around half midnight as I could barely stand, and we had lost everyone with no phone battery between us. It was end of November that I last got blackout drunk, and unsurprisingly it is not something I ever enjoy. It usually occurs when I am playing catchup (check) and haven't eaten much beforehand (check). Slap on the wrist for me, and gold stars to those poor souls who had to endure/ look after me!

Since that debaucle, we have stepped into the lovely month of May, which now means I can say it is my birthday next month (those who know me are used to my over-enthusiastic countdown). With the added bonus of the Bank Holiday Monday off this week, I finally feel like I have had a chance to slow down and recuperate a little after a crazy (albeit fun) last few weeks. Despite the lingering hangover, on Monday I managed a walk around Styal with Ferryn and Mum before an evening of much needed junk food (mac and cheese is my ultimate cure), doggy cuddles and vegging on the sofa.

Speaking of cures...this week's track is from another of my absolute idols - the one and only Lady Gaga. I love her boldness, her outlook on life and pretty much her entire back catalogue, and this song is gold.

On Wednesday lunchtime I met with Hattie and Emily, the two girls I used to help out with at the Matter of Sound YouTube channel. We went to Ezra and Gil in the Northern Quarter for a coffee (and salted caramel shortbread) and to discuss upcoming plans as I want to get more involved. We are running a new monthly event called Band and Bean - click for details - at Grindsmith coffee shop in Media City. The next one is this Tuesday and it's free, so those in Manchester pop along! 

On Thursday after a week falling behind I managed to get a new poem up on Instagram (read it here) and did another overnight stay at Aum's; and then on Friday it was fancy dress time for Emily and Smeed's Sten - Stag and Hen - do. Now most girls (myself included) usually try and find a costume that is a bit sexy, or at least still makes you look half decent for a night out; but that went out of the window for me as I donned a labcoat and geek specs and went as Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory (the theme was the '90s). 

We started in good ol' Footage where we used to sneak in underage at 16/17 and hide in the toilets when the bouncers came around, and followed it up with Mudslide cocktails in Font, which miraculously are still only £2. A few of us then ended up in The Salisbury doing fireball whiskey shots (it will always be a dive, but is still a laugh for the memories) and finally in Zombie Shack, as it was the only place still letting in at 2am and cocktails were £5. Everyone made a big effort with costumes and a good crowd was out so it was a top night.

Yesterday I went to a housewarming party in Altrincham. Abbey and Laura are sisters the same age as Jasmine and I and we went to school together and grew up around the corner from each other. They have bought a house between them that Laura now lives in with some of Jasmine's close friends as Abbey lives in London. Our parents are besties as well so we went as a family and it was a lovely day; there were some tasty homemade curries, the sun shone and it was cool to mingle with some new people as there were lots of different friendship groups there. We played party games and ended up boozing until the early hours - lots of fun. 

Today two heavy nights (along with all the rest) have caught up with me, and I am hungover, shattered and to put the icing on the cake I think I am getting poorly too. I am off to watch some trashy TV - a big blanket on the sofa and some hot vimto is calling me! 

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