Sunday 30 April 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Seventeen
'Whoever said the small things don't matter has never seen a match start a wildfire.'
(Beau Taplin)

So continuing on from last week's post in Ibiza, on Sunday evening we all went to a bar called Can Terra which was around the corner from our apartment. We were recommended it by a fellow resident in the lift who said it did amazing pinchos (like Spanish bruschetta with different toppings) and the wine was only 1.60 a glass, so he obviously knew us well! We didn't arrive until nearly 11pm but even for a Sunday it was buzzing and still had loads of food left, you just helped yourselves to the pinchos platters on the bar and kept the cocktail sticks from them and they charged you per stick, a very trustworthy system! 

 We made friends with some Italian guys after we had finished eating, who suggested we went to a club called Teatro Pereyra, but it was shut by the time we got there so we went to a cute little bar in a square around the corner for some sangria. We stayed out until quite late but weren't as messy as the previous night as we wanted to be up earlyish for our last day. 

Monday was spent wandering around the picturesque Old Town, including indulging in some to-die-for pistachio and white chocolate ice cream from Vivi's Creamery (voted #1 parlour in the whole of Ibiza) and then walking it off along the historic walls up to a viewpoint that gave us some great photo opps. We were lucky enough not to be flying home until late at night, so could take advantage of another full day in the sunshine, and made the most of it by finding a lovely little bar called L'Escalinata for some lunch and drinks that had beanbags to lie on outside. I had a panini with tapenade, prosciutto and mozzarella and a couple of glasses of wine, ideal!  We got our flight home and I got to bed just after midnight, absolutely goosed.

The track I chose for this week is by a New Jersey electronic trio called A R I Z O N A that I was sent via Candid. I checked out their back catalogue and they have created some mint material, this one in particular is perfect to bop around getting ready to, and the video made me well up, so sweet!

On Tuesday to beat the Ibiza blues, Emily and I met up for lunch in Chorlton at The Lead Station. They had a £10 two course lunch deal on so we both opted for that; we had fish tacos to start and then a goats cheese and squash puff pastry pie for main. The menu was original and food well made, and interior of the place very tastefully done, totally not what I was expecting from the outside. It is inside an old police station, so they have made full use of some of the original features to make it a quirky place, and whilst writing this I have learnt that it has been nominated for the 2017 Bar and Restaurant Design Awards, so I must have a good eye!

From Wednesday onwards I was housebound looking after Aum until this afternoon whilst his parents were in London. It is the longest I have done it for, but wasn't so bad with him being at school, and we broke the weekend up by going on a nice walk and picnic to Rivington yesterday with my mum and the dog, and my auntie and cousin came along too. The sun was shining, and we managed to find a tea rooms that served ice cream once we had finished (Eton mess flavour in case you were wondering). 

Last night we met up with Emily and Smeed at a new restaurant in Altrincham called Prosecco for a meal. We shared a variety of starters - garlic bread with cheese, breaded calamari and prawns in a chilli and garlic sauce, and then for main I had an oven baked pasta dish called Penne Gratinata which had mushrooms, onions, ham, cream and tomato and was topped with mozzarella cheese. The food was really impressive, one of the better Italian meals I have had, but unfortunately even for a Saturday it was pretty quiet which didn't create much of an atmosphere. It wouldn't stop me going back though, their tiramisu was perfect!

I have just been released from Aum's after a morning/ afternoon spent in Sheffield at the National Fencing Championships. Unfortunately he was knocked out, but he did so well for his first proper competition and wasn't phased when he lost fights, proud nanny alert! I am getting ready to head into Manchester for Laura's birthday now (aided by gin); every year we do a bar crawl en masse, which after five days babysitting alcohol free I am definitely up for, I will post about our antics tomorrow!

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