Sunday 11 June 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Twenty Three
'I don't want to be the one who tucks you into bed; I want to be the reason why you can't sleep at night.'
(Lang Leav)

This week has been so much fun! On Monday we unfortunately woke up to rain, but we didn't let it deter us, and after a lazy morning getting ready it had stopped so we caught a bus into Palma city centre for some exploring. The 104 bus stopped pretty much outside our hotel, and cost 3 euro each way for a 35 ish minute ride so was definitely worth it. We had paella for lunch and then did a spot of shopping, I bought some amazing laser cut blue heels in the sale for 25 euro from Mango and some perfume from Zara, and we wandered the narrow streets, taking pictures, popping into the odd shop (there was one vintage store that I could have spent a fortune in!) and stopped for ice cream at Amorino (I had cherry and dulce du leche) which specialises in making the cones look like roses, so cute. 

We went home around 7pm, cooked pasta in the room for tea and started getting ready for a night out. B from Tinder who I met up with on Sunday had a night off so had said he'd take us out on the strip, so he joined us for a few pre drinks and we eventually went out at 2am, which is pretty normal there apparently! We had one in Capitol and then went to Alex's where he works, which is split into separate areas each playing different music. We went to the Lounge bar (house/ chilled) first and then moved across to the r&b bit for a dance - we got so drunk as all our drinks were free, but it was a good laugh, and I got a piggy back home which is always a bonus!

On Tuesday we needed some r&r after our heavy night; I was a lone ranger for the day so got some food at the pool bar and hung out sunbathing and napping whilst Bex stayed in bed, and then when we were a bit more alive in the evening we got ready and sauntered down to Magaluf beach front for some food at Pirates Bar & Grill which had been recommended by a few different people. I had a steak with blue cheese dressing which came with corn on the cob and seasoned fries, and an elderflower and wine cocktail that was delicious. The menu was varied and the place had a bubbly atmosphere with live music and plenty of people in there. We went for a couple of drinks at Robinson Crusoe's beach bar afterwards, but then called it a day, definitely a case of hair of the dog!

My track for this week is a song that one of my writers reviewed for Candid; it has an '80s darkwave vibe to it that I love and the singer is a major hottie, you can read their article here.

On Wednesday we woke up at a decent hour feeling fresh, so went back to Zen this time for brunch, where we got a drink and breakfast dish for 8 euro - bargain! I had eggs benedict which came with roast potatoes, and a bucks fizz as well as a latte to perk me up. Afterwards we walked to Magaluf beach and spent the day there. It was roasting and the sea was lovely to cool down in, and I also had a pleasant walk along the water's edge whilst listening to my iPod for a bit of alone time.

We had been persuaded into joining in with an organised bar crawl from 8pm that evening, but had already arranged to eat at the hotel restaurant as we were given a free three course meal when we arrived as a welcome surprise, so we walked back at 5ish as the table was booked for 7.30pm. I had tomato and basil soup to start followed by monkfish and then tiramisu for dessert, but we really had to rush and still got to the bar crawl nearly an hour late! 

We met at Alex's again, then went to Chaplin's which was an absolute dive, then back to Capitol and the night ended in a club called The Car Wash, which had an open bar and a Holi event on so we were given bags of coloured paint to throw at each other, I had to chuck my shoes away in the morning as they were bright blue! We were easily the oldest in the group, and the music was the same in every bar, but we just embraced the evening and ended up having a fab time, the club took us back to our Sugarhouse uni days, sticky floor and all. The whole thing cost us 40 euro which was a little steep, but we rinsed the open bar and it included entry everywhere, as well as free shots and 2 for 1 cocktails, so we just about got our money's worth.

On Thursday we went to Palmanova beach for the day, and in the evening we got dressed up and caught the bus to Puerto Portals the port area, which was beautiful (and full of beautiful people!) we ate in a restaurant called Malbec which we had been told to check out, and it was awesome, Bex and I both had butterfly chicken with avocado, sweet potato wedges and salad, and I washed it down with a fabulous margarita - found one in the end! Afterwards we walked down to the dock for a gander at all the yachts, and stopped for an espresso martini/pina colada in Cappuccino and did some people watching, such a great spot for it.

On Friday we were lucky to have a really late flight home, so could make the most of a last full day in the sun. We started with a farewell brunch back at Zen, I had french toast with fruit and yoghurt this time, and then we sunbathed by the pool before going back to Palmanova for a mexican meal at La Cucaracha; I had prawn enchiladas and another margarita, and then we had a last cocktail at Godfather's before heading back to wait for our coach transfer home. It has been SUCH a blast of a week, Maga may be tacky and heaving with rowdy English stag and hens, but I won't knock it again, picturesque beaches, top people and a lot of giggles were had. Just the girly break I needed!

Yesterday morning we got home at 7am, absolutely shattered. My friend Timna was dropping someone at the airport just before lunch so popped in for a cuppa. Bex left mid-afternoon and I started getting ready for a night out in Manchester. I met up with a group of friends and we went to play Junkyard Golf which was super cool, even if I was shockingly bad at it! Afterwards we decided to go for a few drinks and chose Refuge, the bar underneath The Principal Hotel owed by Volta which has the most incredible Victorian style interior, and then I scoped out Wood & Co which I had read about, it is a speakeasy type underground bar on South King Street. I had an earl grey cocktail served with a biscuit in a china tea cup, not hipster at all ha! We ended the night spontaneously in Mojo, and I got home at 5am, continuing the Magaluf traditions obviously.

Today I caught up on some sleep (and washing) and then have just said goodbye to my parents, grandparents and sister as we went for a Sunday roast at The Ashlea in Cheadle, and then they came back to mine for me to open some birthday presents and cards as my parents are away for it. Really chilled day, but still quite excited at the prospect of an early night after a jam packed week.

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