Sunday 4 June 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Twenty Two
'I was always best dressed with bedroom eyes and a strut that could outrun freedom'
(Lauren Eden)

The extra day off on Monday was appreciated after a busy weekend. I went for a run in the sunshine to collect my car from Gatley just after lunch, and met up with people for a curry in the evening at Essence in Altrincham. It's one of those places that looks a bit dated from the outside, but the interior and food is worth a visit - I had the lamb tikka massala with a chapatti (I don't often eat rice) and it was top notch. There was a good crowd out and we had a laugh about the events from the wedding.

My track for this week is a cracking tune by Reiko. I have been listening to a chilled house playlist on Apple Music in preparation for my holiday and it was on there - great little find to get me in the mood for lying on a beach.

On Tuesday I was back in work, but it has been the school holidays this week so I had Aum all day. He had a friend round and we went to Laser Quest and then for lunch at Nando's which (shock horror) I have not actually had for nearly ten years. I was a bit of a cop out and had a portobello mushroom and halloumi wrap with a chickpea, mint and bean salad with an avocado and buttermilk dressing, but it was bloody tasty, and I challenged the boys to try the hottest chilli sauce, which created some excellent videos. 

The rest of the week was a bit of a blur at work and prepping for Mallorca, although Aum and I had chance to go for a little dog walk to Cheadle on Thursday where we stopped at Nice Ice for an ice cream (I had cookie dough but his salted caramel was much better!).

On Friday I finished earlier than expected and Bex arrived around tea time. I made us a curry and we had a gin before setting off for the airport. It was a bizarre experience as our flight was the only one left to leave the terminal after midnight, so all the shops were shut and the bar was super quiet - it didn't stop us from having a (really pricey) wine though. We got to our hotel in Palmanova (the Rosa Del Mar) at about 5am which was a bit disorientating, so we slept until midday before getting up for a wander around our base for the week!

The resort we were in was a two minute walk to a gorgeous beach and loads of shops and restaurants; we stopped for a toastie and some sangria for lunch on the seafront and then went back to the hotel for a chill by the pool. The weather was beautiful, around 29 degrees, and the sun stayed out until after 7pm which made us feel like we still had plenty of the day left despite our late start. Back in the room Bex persuaded me to join the world of Tinder as it has a new option to join up to meet other groups of people, so I (reluctantly) obliged, but I have to say, the calibre of men over here is much better than the UK!

That evening we got ready and went out for dinner at a lovely restaurant called Zen. We shared lots of tapas dishes and a bottle of prosecco (which was surprisingly actually from Italy) and went halves on a s'mores skewer for dessert. There was a guy musician playing recent chart songs on guitar in the corner who was a decent performer, and it made for a chilled atmosphere, and with the bill only coming to 42 euro it got our night off to a great start!

We decided to go for a walk and have a few drinks, and it was then that we discovered that we were pretty much in Magaluf! Having never been anywhere like that before, we were both up for checking it out, and initially were dragged into a bar on the outskirts of the main drag called Bar 29, where we got a goblet of spirit and mixer and a shot of tequila for 3 euro, insane. From there we went onto the strip - daunting to say the least, literally neon lights and huge groups of pissed girls and boys EVERYWHERE - to a random little place where we downed a cheap drink and left, and then I had an Aperol Spritz (7 euro but tasted awful!) in Temple Bar and we ended the night in a sports bar called The White Horse. We had a bit of a boogie and I kissed a very handsome Portuguese guy called Ruben who was on a Stag do, and we swapped numbers to meet the group later, but sacked off joining them at a club in favour of getting some sleep! 

Today Bex was deathly hungover, and I had woken up early and got chatting to a guy with cool tattoos and quirky street style on Tinder (see, I'm giving it a go!) who invited me out for an ice cream, so I thought I'd be spontaneous and make the most of the day (enter B). He is a promoter for one of the bars so I was slightly wary of the reputation, but he is older and seemed a sound guy and we had a fair bit to chat about so I enjoyed myself. Not sure of anything romantically but it was fun to talk to someone new and get some insider tips on places to go, and being able to go to the beach on a Tinder date was a definite perk! We went for a cider afterwards and then I went back to the hotel to check Bex was alive, and we spent the rest of the day napping by the pool.

This evening we walked along the front to the other end of Palmanova, where it was like a time warp to the '80s! We found a cute Italian called Brisas (I had hangover cravings for pizza all day) and they had an absolute bargain of a set menu for 16 euro - starter, main, dessert and a glass of wine and portions were massive! After eating we went to Godfather's bar on the beach for a cocktail and to watch the Manchester One Love gig on a big screen, which actually got me quite emotional, definitely even more proud to be a Mancunian after seeing the reaction of the city to recent events.

Excited to see what next week in Maga brings! 

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