Sunday 2 July 2017

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Twenty Six
'I'm not for everyone, but once you taste my energy, you'll always be thirsty.'
(Sylvester McNutt) 

Most of this week was spent getting organised for coming to America with work, I dyed my hair, researched stuff to do (helped greatly by re-watching Made in Chelsea: LA) packed, and managed to cram in a couple more dates with F. The first was on Tuesday, where we met in PLY bar in Manchester and then moved on to Lost in Tokyo. Again, I had a great time, we spent the majority of the night laughing which is always a positive, and the time flew by. We saw each other again on Friday evening, he came to my flat and we had some food and a couple of bottles of wine, and watched and bitched about Love Island (!) it was a really welcome break from the stresses of holiday prep and helped me to switch off and relax ahead of the mammoth journey ahead.    

This week The Maccabees were in Manchester for two nights for their farewell tour, and although I didn't manage to make it to either gig, I haved loved them ever since being dragged to watch them at Benicassim in 2012 so felt it necessary to pick my favourite song of theirs for my track this week, gutted that they have disbanded but I'm crossing my fingers that a reunion won't be too far away. 

Yesterday I was up bright and early as I had to be at the airport for 10am as Aum and I flew to LAX at midday via London Heathrow. After a quick pit stop brekky in Costa my dad nipped down to see me off as he was working which was a nice surprise. The 17 hours spent travelling actually passed fairly quickly and I managed to get a bit of kip, as well as watching Collateral Beauty (oh my gosh, such a weepie) and the new Beauty and the Beast, which was easy viewing. It was about 3am UK time by the time we had touched down, collected bags and caught a taxi to Westwood Village where we were staying, so after greeting Aum's cousin and his nanny Jen who we are sharing an apartment with, we collapsed into bed pretty much as soon as we could!

Today we woke up super early as we were still on English time, so we were up, dressed and out for breakfast by 9am, crazy for a Sunday. We walked five minutes around the corner to the main shopping street near us and stopped at The Corner Bakery for food. I had pancakes with eggs and bacon, drowned in butter and maple syrup - the brunches and breakfasts here are a major part of what I look forward to on our U.S trips!

This afternoon the boys had their orientation at UCLA for the summer camp they are here for, so once we had sat through a talk Jen and I were free until 9pm, some much needed downtime after nearly 48 hours of non-stop children-watching. I spent the time unpacking and had a bit of a nap, and we grabbed some sushi for tea on the way home from collecting them that was just from the supermarket around the corner, but it is all made fresh and tastes incredible. Desperately in need of some sleep now though, it's 7am in the UK!


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