Sunday 25 February 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Eight
'The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm. You don't see the lightning, but you hear the echoes.'
(Anna Peters)

 This week I have been in SUCH a weird place. I have been in a constant swinging state from super emotional with random outbreaks of tears, to feeling proper resentful of everything and wanting to throw stuff around. I have been overly nostalgic and wistful, and obsessed with going over tiny details. Nothing has changed; I've had no bad news, not adapted my diet or exercise regime, not watched any weird documentaries, been sleeping plenty and no, it's not my period (eye rolls). Anyone feel free to diagnose me, for now I've taken to dealing with it by toting rose quartz around everywhere in my handbag and frantically writing poetry, check out newbies on my Insta account here.

It has probably been a blessing therefore, that I've been living-in at Aum's this week as his parents are at a conference in Idaho. Little chance of socialising and mixing with as few people as possible at least prevented me from sabotaging any personal relationships, and gave me time to reflect and calm the hell down. Thankfully for me, Aum is in his own world 90% of the time so barely even noticed my mood flux!

I met up with my sister for lunch in Altrincham on Wednesday as she has had the week off work, and we checked out Tim Horton's, the Canadian coffee and doughnut joint that has just opened five sites in England. I had the French vanilla coffee, a vegetable chipotle wrap, and shared a ten box of 'Timbits' (mini doughnut balls to you and I). It is a welcome inclusion to Altrincham's already impressive gastronomic selection - quick, cheap and yummy!

On Friday Aum and I went out for tea to Sushi Kimchi, which during the day is The Oxford Road Cafe, in Altrincham. It is somewhere we have both wanted to try for a while, being big sushi fans. We each got kimchi jun for starter, an oriental pancake made with kimchi which is a pickled cabbage; I had the prawn version whilst Aum opted for chicken. For main we shared two platters of sushi, tempura prawn uramaki and spicy tuna norimaki. It was all delicious, and I especially appreciated a glass of prosecco as a treat for basically single parenting all week, I may get paid to do it, but it doesn't make it easier!

Last night after a day spent chaperoning a study group with Aum and his two friends for a project titled, 'How can religion be controversial?' (yikes) I took him out for food at Chiquito and to the cinema to see Black Panther. I got three little tapas style dishes to eat, a mini roasted veg and beetroot enchilada, grilled breaded halloumi, and a tomato and mushroom sort of stew that had a definite kick to it! We watched the film in the new 4dx screen at Parrs Wood, which has moving seats, flashing lights and blows air, smells and even water to give a fully immersive experience. The film was top notch anyway, but the 4dx gave it that added extra and we came out raving about how amazing it was. Bonus being that I got to invite Chris along so I could have some adult company and, you know, actually get to see my boyfriend for the first time all week, which was pretty great.

Today has been relatively chilled; amidst supervising maths revision and being a taxi to sports sessions, I managed to sneak in a quick brew with my parents, and a wander into Hale in the winter sunshine for a chai latte and some Pinterest-ing in Costa whilst Aum was at cricket. I'm starting to feel a little more back to normal as the week draws to a close, so for now, shoutout to all the other kooks who don't understand their own heads, and hope you enjoy my track of the week from Frenship at the top of the page. We got this!

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