Thursday 12 August 2010

Summer Views...

Toy Story 3- 5 stars *****

Despite now being twenty, I still always feel the need to go and see any new Disney film when it's released, just to relive the feelings of childhood. When I heard they were making Toy Story 3 in summer of last year, I was pretty excited, so when it came out in cinemas I was certain this was one film I wasn't going to miss out on.

With my dad and sister in tow, I headed to our local cinema to see the picture in 3D. Neither of them had seen a film in it before, so we all decided it would be worth it (and when I wasn't paying, I couldn't complain!) Whether it was just the cinema we went to I don't know, but I was horrified when I learnt that you now have to pay for the 3D glasses on top of the already pricey ticket fee, and that if you are using Orange Wednesdays, you only get a free ordinary ticket, so then have to pay to upgrade it to 3D as well. If it wasn't for us using the Orange deal, a trip to the cinema with parking would have come to nearly thirty pound!

Grumbles aside, the film was amazing. I'm not just following the masses or liking it for the kiddie factor, I genuinely thought it was a very good flick. I was wary with it being third time round, that the storyline may be stunted, or the jokes a little stale, but it was action packed, funny and still retained the Toy Story essence that made it popular in the beginning. All the characters remained loyal to their original personalities; nervous and panicky Rex, argumentative Mr Potato Head, money conscious Hamm, and of course the famous duo that is Woody and Buzz Lightyear, as well as them being joined by some new faces that were memorable, in particular the fashion conscious Ken.

The plot was simple but effective. Andy, the toy's owner, is leaving for college, and the dilemma of where the group will end up begins. There are a number of times when it seems like everything is solved, only for another problem to befall the crew and they are left back at square one. The pace is kept up by the diversity of the characters, and the jokes that are scattered throughout, so it is entertaining despite the lack of complexity in the storyline. The ending is a tearjerker too!

It was good to watch in 3D, but I certainly don't think it is necessary in order to fully enjoy the motion picture. There is always so much going on that just the scenes, colours and action are more than enough to keep your eyes firmly on the screen. I would recommend Toy Story 3 to anybody, whether you have seen the previous two instalments or not. Any film where a seventy year old can sit next to a four year old and both can enjoy and relate to it surely deserves some recognition. Oh, and look out for Mr Potato Head's 'wrap' scene. Absolute comedy gem!

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