Sunday 15 August 2010

Traveller's Tales...

Alderley Edge

After finishing a horrid early morning shift, I was pleasantly surprised upon walking out to feel the sun on my face for the first time in what seemed like weeks. Taking advantage of this sudden change in the weather, my boyfriend and I decided to go to Alderley Edge for a wander around the National Trust site there.

I have been a few times before as it is only a twenty five minute drive away from my house, but the view from 'The Edge' never becomes boring. Looking out over the landscape, you can spot the Hilton Hotel in Manchester city centre as well as the beginning of the hills of North Wales and the Peak District in the background.

We sat and had a picnic while admiring the view, before embarking on what turned out to be quite an eventful walk! We chose to improvise a route rather than following a planned out one, and ended up going along roads, through fields and at the end up a very steep mud bank, that nearly defeated us! Having not planned for anything too strenuous neither of us had proper walking shoes on so we did quite a lot of sliding around on the peaty forest floor, if it wasn't for the sun that had dried it out we would have been in a very messy situation.

Finally finding our way back onto a marked path, we stuck firmly to it until it brought us out at The Wizard pub next to the car park. It had a lovely beer garden that was perfect for us to enjoy a drink in whilst sat in the sun. Being a Sunday it was quite busy, and from what I saw the food looked delicious; a three course set menu was on offer for £15.95, which I think is quite reasonable for a pub in such a nice area, especially given that a glass of wine could set you back £6!

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