Monday 9 August 2010

Traveller's Tales


My mum and I had a bit of spare time yesterday, and the weather was pleasantly warm, so we decided to go on a walk. I may not be a full on hiker, but I enjoy going for strolls now and again when I'm home from university, and with the Cheshire countryside being just a twenty minute drive away from my house, it seems a shame to let it go to waste. I also have some 'really cool' turquoise walking boots that I like to wear whenever I get the chance to look fashion forward even in the countryside!

My parents often go walking with their friends (probably more aptly named 'country bar crawls') so we have a lot of books on the shelf with routes in. The one we chose was in a book called 'Village Walks in Cheshire' and it is a three mile track around Antrobus, a small village near Northwich.

We started from a pub called the Antrobus Arms, and followed a couple of roads past a farm and a residence called 'The Old Pump House' until we reached a sign for Antrobus Hall. After passing the local church and hopping over a stile, we encountered a menagerie of animals in a couple of fields! As well as a rather angry looking llama, there were peacocks, wallabies, sheep, horses and tiny shetland ponies; it was like stepping into a farmyard picture book!

Leaving the friendly critters behind, a hedged in lane led us to the village itself, where we stopped on a little bench for tea and biscuits. Opposite where we were sat was the village store and post office, which looked recently renovated despite its original cottagey exterior. After our short rest, we continued along the route, going past two lovely black and white cottages with beautifully tended gardens. Making our way over two more stiles, we eventually returned to the road we started our walk on, and followed it until we were greeted by our lovely blue car. The weather had continued to stay fine throughout our journey, so it was only right that it started pouring down on the drive home!

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