Monday 27 September 2010

Autumn Reads...

Stolen by Lesley Pearse- 2 stars **

This book was lent to me by my mum's friend who thought I would enjoy it, so I had no idea what to expect. I'd never heard of the author, despite the inside cover boasting pictures of twelve of her previous books (which all seemed strikingly similar), but I started reading it with an open mind.

I'll be honest, the first few chapters didn't blow me away. The writing was in a chick lit style, referring to all men by how 'gorgeous' they were, and the initial set up described a group of people working together harmoniously in a hotel in the middle of the countryside. Very cliched. I persevered however as, like I said, I was keeping an open mind.

The main plot revolves around a girl who is found washed up on a beach, with no recollection of her previous life. After it is discovered that she has recently given birth, an appeal appears in the local newspapers for any information about her. Dale and Scott, two of the workers at the hotel recognise the woman as their friend Lotte who used to work with them on a cruise ship, and so begins a mission to help her to remember her past.

There are parts of the story that do have you gripped as to what will happen next, and the 'baddies' in the story are quite cleverly crafted; overall though, this wasn't a book I would rush out to buy the sequel to. It would be great as a holiday read, as it doesn't take up much concentration to understand, and the idea behind the writing is quite an intriguing one.

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