Thursday 23 September 2010

Autumn Sounds...

Hands All Over by Maroon 5

When I first heard Maroon 5 had a new album coming out, I was straight on to to order my copy. Aside from having a huge crush on Adam Levine, I think their previous two albums were really good, and since seeing them live in November 2007 they have remained a firm favourite on my Ipod.

Hands All Over took a few listens initially before I got into it, but now I can't get enough of it! It's been in my car for the past four days and will remain there for some time. The first track is their latest release 'Misery' which is catchy and fun, and sounds as far from misery as possible. Levine's voice is pitch perfect as usual, and the band seem to work together harmoniously for a brilliant outcome. The album was produced by Robert 'Mutt' Lange, who has previously worked with AC/DC, Bryan Adams, Nickelback and The Boomtown Rats, and his expertise is apparent throughout the whole album, as it has been constructed and edited with great results.

My favourite song is the third track on the album, 'Stutter'. It sticks in your head for days (though whether that's a good thing..) and has a great beat for bopping around to. There is also the added comedy of the chorus literally sounding like someone stuttering! After previously mentioning this being in my car, I would like to add that the whole album is great to listen to while driving, or popping on the MP3 to take for a run at the gym. The CD cover looks edgy on the shelf too.

With it being the band's third album, it is at this point that a lot of artists run out of steam and their material begins to sound like carbon copies of previous work. Thus far, Maroon 5 have managed to steer clear of this, with each album having quite a different sound. Their debut, Songs About Jane is still, I feel, their strongest, as you can tell it was them experimenting with what image and sound they wanted. It Won't Be Song Before Long emerged five years later with a more mature feel, and slightly more risque lyrics. Hands All Over seems to be a return to their original material, but with sleeker results. Levine's vocals are not quite as high pitched and Prince like, and the instrumentals have more power and emotion behind them now. I love that they've done a cover of Queen's 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' as the final album track as well, it means it ends on a high, and shows the band are still having fun while making music. Hopefully it won't take them another five years to bring out their next record, as I'm curious as to which direction they are headed next.

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