Monday 13 September 2010

Traveller's Tales...

Water Planet Park, Side

Towards the end of our holiday we wanted to do something other than sit by the pool or bask on the beach, so we decided to go on a trip to the local waterpark, Water Planet in Alanya. It took us about 40 minutes on a coach from our apartment and despite an early start, once we arrived we were all raring to get shooting down some slides!

We put all of our things into the lockers (which were free of charge) then headed to the nearest slide, a large yellow U shape where you were literally thrown off the edge in a rubber ring! It was a great start to our trip, and one that we returned to at various points throughout the day. We then proceeded over to the largest group of slides in the park. There was a very extreme white slide that I went on just the once after being in considerable pain afterwards; two good slides that were a bit more mundane, and a set of 4 'racing slides' that were great fun for us all to go down together. We were given some rather bizarre nappy type contraptions to sit on that I presume performed the same function as the mats on helter skelter slides.

We then went on the 'Lazy River', or so we thought. One of the slides in the park that you could go on in two people rings, it was very twisty, so much so that we fell out on the first go! On closer inspection we realised that it was actually called the 'Crazy River' which could have explained the mishap! Probably my favourite slide in the park was a very large white and red chute, again a twosome affair. It was really wide so that you could build up considerable speed, and between the four of us we tried lots of combinations to create the best effect! For people who are not adrenaline junkies, there was a normal pool that had waves put through it twice a day, and had a nice waterfall to sit under.

We paused for a while for lunch which was rather expensive, but then it's to be expected of a place that wouldn't let you take any of your own food or drink in (even water). They had a strange card system where you put money onto a plastic card, and then used that to purchase anything in the park, and then claimed back the remainder of the money at the end of the day. It seemed clever in the beginning, until we realised the station to put or claim back the money was right next to the restaurant; so why not just use cash?!

We all had a fabulous day and for what worked out at about £20 including transport there and back, you can't really complain!

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