Sunday 7 August 2011

Weekly Update!

Interviews, the Mhariam & Catching Up!

This week has been a bit of a mixed bag, interspersed with lots of extra shifts at work due to someone quitting. On Monday I went in to Altrincham for a coffee at Caffe Nero with some of my friends, which was really nice. Despite it being my (last ever!) 'holidays' I feel like I've barely been seeing my mates recently, so it was good to just chill out and hear what everyone had been doing.

On Tuesday I had an interview to join a nannying agency, which is a job that I have always fancied, and thought now was as best a time as any to try it out, if only for a limited time. It seemed to go really well, and so fingers crossed I will hear back from them soon if they find me a suitable family. Afterwards I headed to the gym for a good ol' workout.

On Wednesday I went to visit Chris, and we went out for tea with a group of friends at a place called Buffet Island; a Chinese all you can eat in Newcastle-under-Lyme. It may not look much from the outside, but it is the most amazing place! Despite living in a city with its own China town, it is the best buffet place I have been to, as not only does it have the typical dim sum and main dish

stands, but also a sushi area, a teppanyaki griddle where you pick your meat/ fish, noodles and veg and they fry it before your eyes, and a seafood counter, which has everything from tiger prawns to mussels on it. They also do gorgeous desserts- ice cream, homemade pancakes and waffles, all kinds of fruit, and there is a chocolate fountain! It was the first 'restaurant' Chris and I went for a meal at too, so it also has good memories attached. After we had gorged on as much food as possible we went to see Horrible Bosses at the cinema (see previous post) and then I drove us back to Crewe.

The following day before I left for home we spontaneously watched City of God which I would highly recommend it, though it is definitely not the most light-hearted of films! In the evening I went for an Indian meal at my local curry house. We shared mixed starters, and then I ordered a Ghurka curry for a change, with chappatis. It was spicier than something I would normally order, as I usually go for the safe options when it is not homemade, but I really enjoyed it. After the meal I drove to meet an old friend at one of my local pubs. We had not seen each other for 3 years, so it was lovely to catch up with each others' lives and have a good natter.

Then was the horrible part- a ten hour shift Friday, five hours and the gym on Saturday, and then ten hours today. Such is life!

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