Tuesday 2 August 2011

Benicassim 2011

Days 6- 7

On Saturday we all decided we should probably make an effort to go back to the beach, as we had been moping around the camp for the past two days. I bought a really nice ham and cheese pizza pastry on the way down, and spent the day soaking up the sun in a last minute attempt to get a better tan. We set off back to camp a lot later than previous days, so didn't get home until gone 8pm, and we arrived to find our tents clingfilmed up by our 'lovely' neighbours, and the showers were also out of action, so it wasn't a great start to the night!

Nothing could dampen my mood though, as it was the night I had been looking forward to. I put on a new tunic/ dress which got me lots of compliments, and set off to watch Mumford and Sons. I have always loved them, but I saw them back in September and it made me completely besotted. They didn't disappoint, and me and one of the other girls spent the majority of the set in tears because we were so emotional from seeing them!

We were perked back up by Arctic Monkeys who were on next. They put on a classic performance with a good mixture of songs from the older albums as well as some from their latest album Suck It and See. It was a shame that they didn't play Mardy Bum, but they did all the other favourites, so it was a small price to pay. Once they were done, we went back to the tent for a couple of hours to drink a bit more (and wake up!) before Fake Blood came on at 3am. The extra bit of drink worked a treat, and by the time 3am rolled around, we were all hyped up and ready for a good ol' dance. I had never seen Fake Blood before, or really knew much of their stuff, but after seeing them live I will definitely be checking them out, as their set was phenomenal. I'm sure the adrenaline and excitement helped, but it really was the best fun-filled crazy night of the whole festival, and we wandered around being silly and having a laugh until 7am, when we finally admitted defeat and headed back to the camp. One of the lads from next door was leaving, so we had a couple more drinks and saw him off, then climbed into bed, for all of two hours before the sun woke us all up!

Sunday was our final day, and so moods were low in camp, as aside from having the arduous task of packing and clearing up to do, people were sunburnt, drained and craving a bit of home-time. We all slept outside our tents for a few more hours once we had crawled out of our sweltering beds in the morning, and then I started packing my bag to get it over with. After that I had a shower and got ready for the last of the music that evening. We went into town back to the same Italian restaurant for some proper food to travel home on, where I had spaghetti carbonara which was delicious. No-one was really drinking, although I had a little bit of wine to perk me up, and so we went to watch Professor Green a bit more content. I'll be honest, I really don't like 'Pro Green' but he was OK to watch, and I was surprised at how many songs I recognised so it passed fairly quickly. After him we wandered over to where Portishead were playing, and sat down for a while soaking it in. The lead singer has a really gorgeous haunting voice, but it is a little depressing sometimes, so we didn't stay for the whole set!

We also watched Arcade Fire, The Go! Team and Tinie Tempah that night, and having Tinie as our final performance definitely summed up what an amazing week it had been. He only played for 45 minutes which was a bit of a let down, but it was 45 quality minutes, and the crowd were buzzing all the way through. He played Pass Out, Written in the Stars, Invicible, Miami 2 Ibiza, Wonderman, Frisky and a couple of new tracks as well so it was a really cool set list, and he had guitars and drums to make it a bit more 'rock' which worked well. After he had disappeared, we traipsed back to camp for one final time, to double check we had everything and say our last goodbyes to people. Then it was a case of waiting around until 4am when we could set off to catch our coach back to the airport. We were all so shattered that we basically slept all the way home to England, and my sister stayed in bed for 22 hours when we got to Manchester! It was an incredible week, and once we had all eaten and slept in our own beds, we were all wishing to go back, and are already planning our return next year!

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