Sunday 21 August 2011

Weekly Update!

Friends & Family

This week I worked every day Mon-Fri so I could get the weekend off, so there wasn't much time left to do anything too exciting. On Monday I went for a coffee with my friend Lydia, and then dyed my hair in the evening, though it still hasn't come out the colour I wanted which is annoying!

On Wednesday all my friends came round and we had a lovely homemade tea, where we each brought an element of it. Hannah brought bread, mozzerella, parma ham and a tomato bruchetta topping for a starter, and I made a lasagne that we had with Tasha's salad for main. Hana bought a toffee flapjack pie, and Lydia made a lime and ginger cheesecake and we had a bit of each for dessert, and Charlotte and Emily brought wine and fruit juice to drink. We had a good catch up, and the night was full of giggles!

On Thursday my sister found out she had got into university which was brilliant, and I spent the day writing my next article for Candid online magazine, which I will post on here when it has gone up on the site. On Friday I did my final shift of the week and then went to the gym, before getting ready for an interview I had at 5pm in Alderley Edge for a nannying position. The interview seemed to go well, so fingers crossed - I am hearing from them before I go on holiday on Thursday, so luckily there is not too long to wait.

After my interview we had a buffet tea and then set off for Devon. We arrived at 10.30pm and had a fairly good run down. As I had been up early all week I was really tired so didn't stay up too late; just long enough to have a chat with the family friends we were staying with. On Saturday we had a tasty cooked breakfast, before my mum and I wandered down into Brixham town while everyone else went to watch the boys play rugby. We looked around some of the shops, though the choice was quite limited, and then had an ice-cream on the seafront.

In the afternoon we went to my great uncle George's 70th birthday party, which was the reason we had travelled down. The weather was a bit grey to start with, but it brightened up in the evening, and we sat outside until fairly late. There were lots of people there that we knew, and it was great to see all the family. My cousin Stephanie and I stayed up until 6.30am chatting, so needless to say I was rather worse for wear on the drive home today! Even though working all week was horrid, it was worth it to get a full weekend off to do something nice, and I'd forgotten how much I love Devon!

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