Tuesday 13 September 2011

Traveller's Tales...

Altinkum, Turkey (Part 2)

On our second weekend in Turkey, us four youngsters decided we would head out for a night on the town. We had made friends with a few guys who worked in different bars, so they promised to take us to the best and liveliest. We started with WooWoo pitchers in a bar called Big Nose (bizarre I know!) and had a laugh doing horrendously in their music quiz. Afterwards we went to a couple more bars, Galaxy and Flamingo, before ending in Palm Beach. All the bars were playing really good up-to-date music, and the drinks were a little pricey, but not too bad. We got a taxi home afterwards and crashed into bed a little worse for wear at 4.30am.

The following day we went to the Apollo Temple, some Roman ruins a short Dolmus (local bus) ride away. It was magnificent, and despite all being hungover, we stayed for about an hour and a half before going back home to eat and sleep! On Monday we were fully recovered, and so the four of us left the adults at home and ventured to the water park. It was quite small, with about ten slides, but they were fun and it was a welcome change from the beach or pool. There was a foam cannon and wave pool which we messed about in for a while before sunbathing on the loungers there. It was only £12 which included the journey there and back, so we couldn't really complain.

On Tuesday we went on the boat trip again, purely as we enjoyed it so much the first time. It was mostly the same, except we stopped at slightly different spots, one which was a tiny cove with a private beach. We arranged to go on a night cruise the next evening for our 'blow-out night' which is a family tradition where we can order whatever we want, however expensive it is. Because we had made friends with the crew they put it on especially for us 8, as we had missed the allotted day. We all got dressed up and enjoyed a beautiful home-cooked meal, and then Dad, Abbey and I went swimming in the dark!

The next day was our last, and so we were up early to catch the last of the rays before we returned home. Unfortunately we had a four hour delay on the flight back, but it was really nice to sleep in my own bed when we eventually arrived back in Timperley. I had a whale of a time, and we all got on really well- I can't wait for my next holiday already!

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