Monday 26 September 2011

Weekly Update! (From yesterday)

Lebanese and a Golden Wedding!

This week was pretty dull until Thursday, when I went to see One Day at the cinema with my friend Charlotte (see later post) and then went for a meal in the evening with my parents and sister.

It was a farewell meal, as Jasmine went to uni yesterday, and we wanted to see her off properly beforehand. We went back to Yara in Altrincham, which is where we went after my graduation. Fortunately this time around we knew that the portions were quite generous, so didn't order loads of starters like on our last visit! We had halloumi cheese with pitta bread, and falafel with various dips to share. I had never tried falafel before, but always wanted to, as I was curious as to what fried crushed chick peas with onions, herbs and spices would taste like. I would definitely have it again as it was delicious, and went really well with the yoghurt cucumber dip it was served with.

For my main I had Bamieh, a lamb dish cooked with tomatoes and garlic that had chunks of okra in, with rice. I had lamb last time we went, but it was so nice I decided to try a different variation. We skipped dessert as we were too full, and had coffee from the machine I got as a birthday present when we got home instead.

Friday and Saturday were fairly quiet, but on Saturday evening Charlotte came to my house to help me make Chris' birthday cake. As I am taking him to Dublin as his present, I wanted an Irish themed cake to give him on the actual day, so at least it seemed like he had some form of present. I dyed the middle of the cake green and orange, and used white buttercream for the centre, so it looked like the Irish flag, and then iced things on the top relating to the weekend, like an aeroplane, and a shamrock. It looked a lot more amateur than my effort from last year, but it was something a bit quirky I suppose!

On Sunday my dad and I helped Jasmine move into uni (so jealous!), and then headed on to my grandparents in Leven, East Yorkshire, for their 50th wedding anniversary party. It was at a little recreation hall in the village where they live, and my mum (with some help from me) did the buffet. It was nice to see all the family, and I got a little emotional when they did the speech and cut the cake!

I drove my dad and I home in the early evening, and then popped to my friend Abi's house to see her, as she is home from New York where she is doing a placement year. It was a brief and very tired visit, but a lovely way to end another week.

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