Sunday 18 September 2011

Weekly Update!

Arrogance & Rollercoasters!

This week it was back to reality after my holiday, but that also meant seeing my awesome friends and boyfriend again! Chris came to visit last weekend, and I finally made use of the blowtorch that my parents bought me for my birthday when I made us crème brulees for our dessert. I served them with fresh raspberries and they were delicious. The following day we went for a shopping trip into Manchester and ate at Las Iguanas - their lunchtime special menu is such good value, we paid £10 for a starter, main course and a glass of wine each.

On Wednesday a group of us went to my friend Hana's house for a few drinks and some nibbles. It was lovely to catch up with everyone's news from over the past few weeks, especially as a few of them are heading back to university soon. We played arrogance, a drinking game with some interesting consequences (!) that caused a lot of giggles, and I headed home at 1am after lots of Bucks Fizz, Martini and white wine!

The following day I was up at 7am for a roadtrip to Alton Towers with Chris and a couple of his friends. Luckily I wasn't feeling hungover after the night before, or rollercoasters wouldn't have been too much fun! We got there at about 11am and went on the latest ride, Thirteen, which I was eager to get on after queueing for 4 hours last time, until it broke down when we were the next to go on the ride. It was good, especially the unexpected drop at the end!

One of the next rides we went on was the log flume, which was hilarious as it ended with one of our group getting completely drenched, so he stood out quite a lot amongst us dry ones! Throughout the rest of the day we did all the usual rides, including Oblivion, which never fails to make me fear my

life. I also got to go on Hex for the first time, as it has been closed the two times I have been before. It was bizarre but quite good, even if it did give me a headache. I also went to the aquarium there for the first time, and was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was. We also had a pretty funny picture taken, with one of the lads in mid-air as he had been pushed off his seat after the flash!
We did Nemesis twice and Air before we trudged wearily back to the car at the end of the day, and I fell asleep on the journey home, I think the lack of sleep was finally catching me up. I spent Friday doing various chores and writing my next article for Candid, (keep your eyes peeled, up soon!) before working for the majority of the weekend. Another week gone!

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