Sunday 1 April 2012

Weekly Update!

Late Nights & Bad Mornings!

This week has been so hectic! This is mainly due to Emily being off work and Hana being back from university, so it has meant I've actually had things to do during the day with people for once. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous as well, so a few hours were definitely lost sat in the garden in the sunshine!

On Monday I worked, and on Tuesday during the day I met the girls for a coffee in Hale. We moved onto the bowling green once we'd finished our drinks, and stayed there until I had to collect Aum from school. Pretty much straight from work I went into Manchester to meet my friend Mike for a few drinks in the Northern Quarter. Three hours later we decided we had got suitably drunk to justify staying out later, so went to a place called Keko Moku's to have a pint cocktail called a Flaming Zombie, and then stumbled into 42s. I ended up with about four hours sleep, but was very proud of myself powering through two exercise classes on a horrific hangover on Wednesday.

That evening I met up with Chris and we went to watch the Fun Lovin' Criminals at the Hard Rock Cafe in Manchester (see previous post). Because of the previous nights antics I decided to remain sober, so it wasn't too late a night, and I was fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow!

On Thursday during the day I went back to the Cake Gallery in Bowdon, this time with Hana, and sampled the triple chocolate cake. I was supposed to be going out for drinks again in the evening, but I was so knackered I decided to call it off and have a well deserved night in. I got absolutely nothing done, which was the main plan for the evening, so I consider it a success.

On Friday I had a massive drive to do through Yorkshire which was grim, and then went for dinner at Emily's house (see previous post). Saturday I went to work at the pub, and then got ready for a girly night out. It was the first time the majority had got together for drinks and a dance, so it was really cool to listen to some music, play a few drinking games and catch up. We ended the night in Suburbia in Hale, which I had never been to before (and was always rather dubious about if I'm honest), but it was actually a really good place, and then randomly a few of us went back to a friend I know from the pub's house to continue drinking!

Today was spent in bed, in various stages of hangover, and then I dragged myself out for a beautiful lamb roast that Mum cooked for us all. It was greatly appreciated!

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