Sunday 18 January 2015

Weekly Musings

2015- Week 3
'It's my house, and I think it's time to get out, it's my soul, it isn't yours anymore'
(PVRIS - My House)

I first heard PVRIS on a late night Xfm show and downloaded their album 'White Noise', which totally takes me back to being fifteen listening to Paramore - great stuff. Lyric relevant this week as I've had a crazy busy one and really blown away the cobwebs, feel like I've not stopped! I started a new job venture on Monday as part of the social media team for a Youtube channel called Matter Of Sound, which showcases short videos on events and music in the Manchester area, including festivals, gigs and interviews.

“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.”
(Stephen King - Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption: A Story From Different Seasons)  

I stumbled across this quote in one of those compiled lists people post on Facebook that are usually a load of crap, but this collection actually had some really cool snippets from literature that I enjoyed reading - the above in particular. Over the last few weeks I feel like I have been getting back to being the old mad, super busy me again; and it's been quite a liberating experience.  This week I've completely cleaned my flat, dyed my hair and had my nails done, gymmed and babysat, as well as copious amounts of socialising!

On Tuesday I had dinner at the Country Club - where they had a new specials menu, which I obviously obliged in sampling... I chose scallop and bacon crice (a rice alternative made from cauliflower) served with green vegetables and a poached egg, which tasted incredible to say it was carb free! I followed this with Tahitian vanilla and coconut pannacotta with peppered pineapple puree and a ginger lime crumb, which was like an explosion of flavour in the mouth, absolutely delicious.

On Thursday I met Abi for lunch at The Garden, a new organic 'earth friendly' cafe in Hale village. I had an almond milk latte and the 'Super Bowl' (avocado massaged kale mixed with quinoa, red onion, cucumber, carrot and cherry tomatoes served alongside cubes of sweet potato and beetroot, sprinkled with pumpkin seeds and alkalising sprouts and dressed with lemon juice) and for dessert we both had the apple and raspberry crumble (made with seeds and raw oats as opposed to a traditional topping) with coconut milk ice cream. Everything looked so fresh and colourful on our plates, and tasted great to say it was so guilt-free, I would definitely go back again as everything on the menu sounded appetising. In the evening I went back into Hale to Moose with Laura for a couple of post-work drinks.

On Saturday night I went to Tasha's sister Genevieve's 30th birthday party, which was lots of fun, and most of the girls managed to make it so it was lovely catching up and having a few glasses of prosecco. It was a very late one, but I managed to drag myself out of bed to meet Laura for brunch at Thyme Out in Didsbury today, where I indulged with a full English to soak up excess booze.

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