Sunday 25 January 2015

Weekly Musings

2015- Week 4
'We could find comfort in debauchery'
(Alvvays - Party Police)

I have been playing Alvvays self-titled album on repeat this week, obsessed! It's a really cool mixture of 90s grunge guitars and girly vocals, and on Wednesday I went to watch them play at Deaf Institute with Timna. They were very good live, and the lead singer looks like a male Kurt Cobain; uber cool. I particularly like the song the above lyrics are from, as it is all about sticking two fingers up to the rules, enjoying the company of others and having a good time - three things I am a definite advocate of!

As well as the gig this week, on Tuesday I ate at the Country Club, sampling another of the new specials - avocado, chicken and sesame seed lettuce wraps, a lighter meal which was perfect as I had eaten a large lunch. On Saturday I continued the healthy trend after Kettlercise and Body Combat classes this week and did a yoga session, which properly chilled me out for the weekend.

On Saturday evening I donned my gladrags and headed into Manchester for a night at Sakura on Deansgate Locks with Kelly and James and a couple that they know from university. We hit the fishbowls, and I can't remember getting home! Luckily I didn't feel too bad by this evening; I met Amanda in Altrincham to watch the ice hockey, as a friend of mine plays as netminder for Guildford Flames and got us free tickets. It was a really tense match, going to extra time, penalties and then sudden death! Guildford Flames won 6-5 in the end, which was great for my mate, but I did feel a little like a traitor going against my home team!

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