Sunday 4 January 2015

Weekly Musings

2015- Week 1
'Give me some madness I, can get off on, I want to endorse you, I want you to exhaust me' 
(Catfish & The Bottlemen - Sidewinder)

Thoroughly recommend the whole Catfish album, personal faves are Business and Cocoon, but the above lyric sits well with me this week after enjoying time off with friends and family. Shopping in Manchester with Jasmine on Tuesday, we nattered over lattes and paninis and generally pissed around doing sibling stuff. New Year's Eve lunch was spent with Tasha and Abi at the Country Club and a great NYE party at my mate Laura's got the week off to a cracking start.  

'I'm somewhere outside my life babe, I keep scratching but somehow, I can't get in' (Hozier - Sedated)

Hozier was another awesome 2014 discovery, and his debut album doesn't have a bad record on it. This line in his most recent single sums up a complicated couple of months where I have been pussyfooting around an old relationship, instead of just getting on with living. This week was the one where I reached the conclusion to stop pretending the past was perfect, and to focus on making the future a better one. Friday evening was spent confirming this with my mates Laura and Kelly in El Capo in the Northern Quarter, over four bottles of wine, the last of which was smuggled out under my jacket as Laura had been asleep on the table for the last hour!

Yesterday evening was whiled away with good family friends, playing dress up for a Mafia themed quiz night, where Jasmine made a worryingly convincing man. We drank Blue Lagoons, carried fake guns and listened to dodgy Sopranos-esque elevator music, but it was a bloody good night!

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