Sunday 29 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 13 
'I'm searching for cheap thrills some way and somehow'
(Fluffy - Wolf Alice)

This week began with a Sofar Sounds on Monday, this time it was inside an office block on New York Street, and I took Jason as he has never been to one before. There were four artists who played: Danish Kristian Harting, a band called Glass Tides, travelling American Alina Ly and Benjamin Yellowitz. I personally loved the band as they used strings as part of their performance and, being a huge fan of Florence and the Machine for that reason, it added the same dreamy aspect that I love.

On Wednesday I went out for dinner with Laura at a Japanese place in Manchester called Samsi. We started with tempura vegetables and then I had a seafood udon noodle dish. It was nice to catch up, and even though the prices were reasonable anyway, the best part was the food was free as she had a voucher from Christmas!

On Thursday I saw Wolf Alice at The Ritz with my friend Lauren. They did a great performance, good on stage charisma and talented musicians. I was surprised at the large venue choice but they definitely did it justice, I am expecting big things from them.

Friday marked the official start to my week off work, woohoo! I started as I mean to go on with a fantastic brunch yesterday with Abi courtesy of the adorable Sugar Junction in the Northern Quarter (latte and pancakes with blueberries and clotted cream if you were wondering) followed by an event at Warehouse where we recieved cute little bracelets with our initials on and could have our hair done in a choice of 5 up dos. I was babysitting that evening so decided a hair style may be a little OTT, but it was fun watching Abi get hers done, complete with pastel pink chalked plait! 

Today I have had a nice relaxing Sunday, hangover free with some yoga and a good ol' fashioned roast at my parents. Bring on time off!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 12
'Blow a kiss, fire a gun, we all need someone to lean on.'
(Major Lazer ft. MO - Lean On)

After a fab weekend in Paris, I was pretty tired on Monday, but Lydia was home so we went into Manchester in the evening for a drink at the Coors pop-up ice bar in Spinningfields. We booked a time slot in advance and were given blue furry capes and gloves to wear, and inside were ice sculptures, a DJ and some yummy cocktails! 

On Tuesday I saw Jason, and got dressed up for a lovely meal at Gusto in Didsbury where we made it official that we are together, yay! I had a risotto with wild mushrooms, truffle butter and pancetta, washed down with some prosecco of course! The following day I met up with Laura to fill her in on it all, and we went for cake at And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon.

On Saturday after babysitting Aum in the morning (and a trip to Pizza Express for a salmon salad for lunch) Jason and I went into Manchester and had a wander around in the sunshine, stopping for some nibbles and glass of wine in Browns Brasserie - we chose onion rings, tempura prawns, houmous and grilled chicken strips. In the evening we met up with Abi and Dave and Emily and Smeed at Altrincham Market for some pizzas and drinks, and then a cocktail in Riddles afterwards. The market is recently refurbished and has a great selection of locally sourced food and drinks, and has the bonus of individual serving windows so everyone in the group can have a different cuisine if they wish; just give yourself plenty of time to find a table!

 Jason was working early today so we didn't stay out too late, and I have made the most of the day with a very pleasant bike ride around Timperley and Altrincham with Laura, in an attempt to prep for my triathlon coming up soon!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 11
'She hits like ecstacy'
(The Wombats - Greek Tragedy)

This week didn't go quite as expected, as after a quick trip to the doctors on Monday morning with a pain in my side that I'd had all weekend, I was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis! Luckily after numerous tests and a scan it turned out to be nothing serious, and I was discharged on Wednesday, which wasn't a moment too soon if I'm honest. As someone who is usually very active, being confined to a bed for 3 days with little explanation was sheer hell, although the nurses (and contrary to popular belief, the food) were brilliant.

Upon my return home Abi brought me some flowers from the girls, which was so thoughtful, and then Jason came to mine in the evening and we chilled out and got a Dominoes. I've never been so happy to be back in my own bed!

Another reason I was hugely grateful to be well and back home was that this weekend my sister and I took my mum to Paris as a belated 50th birthday present. I would not have been impressed if I had had to miss out on that! We got a flight very early yesterday morning from Liverpool (return flight was £105), and landed at 10.30am. It was my fourth time to the city, so I felt quite comfortable wandering around, and enjoyed playing tour guide for my mum who has been once before but a long time ago, and my sister who was on her first visit.

We managed to cram a lot into the brief trip - yesterday we saw the Sacre Coeur, the Moulin Rouge, did a bit of a shopping, had a fabulous steak and then went to see Mugler Follies, a show at Le Comedia. It was without doubt one of the most bizarre yet amazing performances I have ever seen. It had, to name a few, men in platform heels and corsets, women poledancing in nipple tassles, aerial artists, comedy opera singers... all with costumes designed by Thierry Mugler. I am so glad that we decided to go, as it was completely unplanned and last minute! 

Today after some breakfast we went to the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysees, the Louvre, Notre Dame, and took mum for afternoon tea at La Duree as it was Mother's Day. I was impressed at how quickly we were seated; the cakes were delicious, and it was all so pretty. It was the most lovely weekend, although I am now absolutely shattered after arriving back half an hour ago!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 10
'I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you'
(Paramore - Into You)

This week has been a chilled one, I went to the Country Club on Tuesday where I had yakitori chicken skewers with sweet potato fries, and other than that apart from taking my car in for repair on Wednesday I didn't get upto much in the evenings.

On Friday I went to the Royal Exchange Theatre with Hannah to watch a performance of Scuttlers, a play about gangs in Manchester during the industrial revolution. It was really good, and we managed to get a deal for people under 26 where the ticket was only £6 so it was a great alternative to a usual Friday night. 

On Saturday after a lovely breakfast at Jason's we drove to Alderley Edge for a walk around (and an ice cream). We also went to Tatton Park, and then stopped at The Plough and Flail in Mobberley for a late lunch before going home. I had the chicken and mushroom pie with chips which was so huge I couldn't finish it, and that's saying something for me! It's so nice being with someone who wants to get out and make the most of having time off, and we have lots of similar interests so I'm enjoying spending time together; it just seems very easy for a change!

That night I went into Manchester with the girls which was loads of fun. I wasn't feeling well so left quite early, but we went to Poptastic in the Gay Village, where they were playing lots of classics including the song the lyrics are from above, and the absolute tune below - The Futureheads was Emily and I's first ever gig so we got into the spirit and were singing along in an empty room! 

On Sunday I was hangover free for once due to my early departure, so I met Laura at The Beagle in Chorlton for some brunch. I'm really enjoying discovering Chorlton recently, there are some great little bars and eateries, I should have checked it out sooner! I chose three little dishes off a tapas style menu - nachos with salsa and cheese dip, popcorn shrimp lettuce cups and lime chicken quesadillas, all for a tenner which I thought was a bargain, and it was all super tasty! I spent the rest of the day chilling out at her house, perfect end to a great week!

Sunday 1 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 9
'I've got emotions of my own, a tidal wave of feelings to ride'
(Shura - Indecision)

This week started with another free concert to review, this time Marmozets at Manchester Academy. Jason is a fan so I took him along, and we had a drink at Kro bar opposite before heading in. It was a good gig (the heaviest I've been to in a while which was an experience!) although they are a young band so had a few cringey audience interaction moments, but it didn't ruin it!

On Tuesday I babysat and we ate at the Country Club, I had the same goat's cheese salad as last week, but this time accompanied it with tempura prawns, although they were a little stodgy to be honest. On Wednesday I met Laura for a catch up at And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon, where I had a latte and a blueberry and lemon cake that was amazing. 

Thursday I had another date night with Jason, this time I went to his neck of the woods in Chorlton, which I have never been to before. His house is lovely, and we wandered into the town for a few drinks at a sports bar called Morley Cheeks, and then a hipster/ ale place called Strange Brew. He introduced me to The Weeknd album 'Trilogy' as well, so I've stuck one of my favourite tracks off it below, but the whole LP is worth a serious listen or ten, it's amazing.

On Friday I got to see Years & Years at Gorilla courtesy of Candid, unfortunately as it was sold out I only got the one ticket, but I love them so much I really wasn't bothered, I was there singing along by myself without a care in the world! Yesterday I had a chilled out day with my mum, and then in the evening I donned my finest '90s gear and went to my friend Rosie's housewarming party, which was eventful to say the least... Let's just say a 24 hour booze shop, a former boyfriend and some unresolved issues do not mix well.

Because of said altercation, I met up with the ex at Costa this afternoon, which was unpleasant but necessary to do some damage control. All sorted as much as was possible, I then got ready and went to my final gig of the week - Aquilo at Deaf Institute. I went with my old high school friend Laura, who apart from a drunken encounter at last year's Parklife festival, I hadn't seen for at least five years. It was lovely to catch up over a cocktail and some amazing bacon covered fries (desperately needed to aid the wine hangover) and Aquilo were beautiful as always.