Sunday 15 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 11
'She hits like ecstacy'
(The Wombats - Greek Tragedy)

This week didn't go quite as expected, as after a quick trip to the doctors on Monday morning with a pain in my side that I'd had all weekend, I was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis! Luckily after numerous tests and a scan it turned out to be nothing serious, and I was discharged on Wednesday, which wasn't a moment too soon if I'm honest. As someone who is usually very active, being confined to a bed for 3 days with little explanation was sheer hell, although the nurses (and contrary to popular belief, the food) were brilliant.

Upon my return home Abi brought me some flowers from the girls, which was so thoughtful, and then Jason came to mine in the evening and we chilled out and got a Dominoes. I've never been so happy to be back in my own bed!

Another reason I was hugely grateful to be well and back home was that this weekend my sister and I took my mum to Paris as a belated 50th birthday present. I would not have been impressed if I had had to miss out on that! We got a flight very early yesterday morning from Liverpool (return flight was £105), and landed at 10.30am. It was my fourth time to the city, so I felt quite comfortable wandering around, and enjoyed playing tour guide for my mum who has been once before but a long time ago, and my sister who was on her first visit.

We managed to cram a lot into the brief trip - yesterday we saw the Sacre Coeur, the Moulin Rouge, did a bit of a shopping, had a fabulous steak and then went to see Mugler Follies, a show at Le Comedia. It was without doubt one of the most bizarre yet amazing performances I have ever seen. It had, to name a few, men in platform heels and corsets, women poledancing in nipple tassles, aerial artists, comedy opera singers... all with costumes designed by Thierry Mugler. I am so glad that we decided to go, as it was completely unplanned and last minute! 

Today after some breakfast we went to the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysees, the Louvre, Notre Dame, and took mum for afternoon tea at La Duree as it was Mother's Day. I was impressed at how quickly we were seated; the cakes were delicious, and it was all so pretty. It was the most lovely weekend, although I am now absolutely shattered after arriving back half an hour ago!

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