Sunday 1 March 2015

Weekly Musings

2015 - Week 9
'I've got emotions of my own, a tidal wave of feelings to ride'
(Shura - Indecision)

This week started with another free concert to review, this time Marmozets at Manchester Academy. Jason is a fan so I took him along, and we had a drink at Kro bar opposite before heading in. It was a good gig (the heaviest I've been to in a while which was an experience!) although they are a young band so had a few cringey audience interaction moments, but it didn't ruin it!

On Tuesday I babysat and we ate at the Country Club, I had the same goat's cheese salad as last week, but this time accompanied it with tempura prawns, although they were a little stodgy to be honest. On Wednesday I met Laura for a catch up at And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon, where I had a latte and a blueberry and lemon cake that was amazing. 

Thursday I had another date night with Jason, this time I went to his neck of the woods in Chorlton, which I have never been to before. His house is lovely, and we wandered into the town for a few drinks at a sports bar called Morley Cheeks, and then a hipster/ ale place called Strange Brew. He introduced me to The Weeknd album 'Trilogy' as well, so I've stuck one of my favourite tracks off it below, but the whole LP is worth a serious listen or ten, it's amazing.

On Friday I got to see Years & Years at Gorilla courtesy of Candid, unfortunately as it was sold out I only got the one ticket, but I love them so much I really wasn't bothered, I was there singing along by myself without a care in the world! Yesterday I had a chilled out day with my mum, and then in the evening I donned my finest '90s gear and went to my friend Rosie's housewarming party, which was eventful to say the least... Let's just say a 24 hour booze shop, a former boyfriend and some unresolved issues do not mix well.

Because of said altercation, I met up with the ex at Costa this afternoon, which was unpleasant but necessary to do some damage control. All sorted as much as was possible, I then got ready and went to my final gig of the week - Aquilo at Deaf Institute. I went with my old high school friend Laura, who apart from a drunken encounter at last year's Parklife festival, I hadn't seen for at least five years. It was lovely to catch up over a cocktail and some amazing bacon covered fries (desperately needed to aid the wine hangover) and Aquilo were beautiful as always.    

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