Sunday 28 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Four
'What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.'

I was a bit naughty last week and didn't do my Instagram poem, so I put one up on Monday instead, read it here. My track for the last seven days is a golden oldie by my Queen, Lady Gaga, as my 2009 record store day exclusive vinyl copy of The Fame Monster arrived on Friday so I have been spinning it all weekend, this is my favourite tune off it.

On Tuesday I had a very grownup mortgage meeting and then went to visit the house I have bought again, this time with Mum and Dad who hadn't seen it before. My mum definitely saw the great potential it has, even if Dad was a little dubious; probably due to being more realistic with how much work and money is involved in renovating!

On Wednesday Aum had a random day off school, so I took him and a friend to see Paddington 2 at the Trafford Centre and for lunch at KFC. It was the cutest film ever! Such a heartwarming watch, I came out of the screen feeling all mushy and fuzzy inside (totally didn't tear up at all...). That evening a few of the girls came 'round to mine and I made us a Thai green chicken curry. It was lovely to have a natter as I hadn't seen Hannah and Tasha since before Christmas, so I filled them in on all my property plans and listened to their life updates.

On Thursday night I went to The Eagle Inn in Salford with Chris to watch his friend's covers band, Ron Direction. I had a few wines and it was rammed with supporters; The Eagle Inn is one of those proper cosy old fashioned pubs so it was a fun way to spend an evening together, even if on Friday I felt far too ill for the amount I'd had to drink. I stayed on the boat that evening and Chris made us a lentil and spinach lasagne that definitely hit the hangover munchies spot. We watched La Haine, which has been on my 'films to see' for years, but we have devised a list that we are gradually working our way through from imdb's recommended 250. It was gritty and the French subtitles took a bit of getting used to but it was well worth a watch.

Yesterday I met Abi in Manchester for a spot of day drinking. I was digging my outfit even though it was pretty thrown together - a combo of blue velvet & faux fur boots, wide legged culottes and a crop top, I felt like I was in a hip-hop video! We started in Convenience Store which is on the old Keko Moku site in the Northern Quarter, and apart from an outfit/ theme change it is set out the same. It is no longer a tiki hut but, as the name suggests, styled like a US newsagents, complete with neon signs, posters advertising American cereal, and confectionary counter from which they serve tasty cocktails (as you can tell, it is still just as hipster). I had the 'Cheeri-fucking-o Kiddo' (*rolls eyes*), which was made with vanilla ice cream, vanilla vodka, coffee liqueur, milk and topped with whipped cream, cheerios and cinnamon crunch cereal, mad. I did have an early breakfast though, so it was basically a liquid lunch!

Afterwards we headed to Turtle Bay and The Whiskey Jar to take advantage of their happy hours (2 for 1 before 7pm) where we stuck to some classics: a mojito and a French martini. I must admit, I love getting doled up and going on a night out, but there is definitely something satisfying about having a few cocktails in the afternoon and being back at home for some decent grub at tea time instead of cheesy chips at 3am! I had been well domesticated and pre-prepared a sweet potato veggie shepherd's pie to whack in the oven for Chris and I when I got in, which went down a treat.


This morning I had Aum's party (two months after his actual birthday!) which was at Inflatanation in Trafford Park. I didn't go on the inflatables, mainly as the prospect of being ganged up on by 15 eleven year olds didn't appeal too much, but it looked incredible, and I will totally venture back just with him at some point to give it a try. I am now on the toasty boat again after a very pleasant walk along the bridle path with the doggies and Chris; I've been in one of those pensive, nostalgic moods this week and my head has been a bit all over the place, so the fresh air and a bit of a vent about how I was feeling gave me a boost. Starting next week detoxed with a clean mind!

Sunday 21 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Three
'They laughed at her when she was drowning. Now the way she dives under the waves is the talk of the town.'
(Fathima Ali)

This week couldn't have started better, as I had my offer accepted on the house I found on Friday! BEYOND excited. It is such a lovely little place with some funky period features that my current new build flat is severely lacking in; I can't wait to get in there and start putting my stamp on stuff. On Tuesday I went for a bridesmaid dress fitting at Puure in Lymm, and whilst driving there took a trip down memory lane with the band below, I used to play this song continuously when I was a teen wannabe goth, so I have chosen it as my track of the week. 

On Thursday I had my hair dyed at Dry in Stockport again. Unfortunately Charlotte who I had last time was ill, but Liv the girl who covered her clients did a great job of making my roots a darker copper to create the balayage effect that I have fancied trying for a while, and I had a voucher that meant it only cost me twenty quid as a returning customer. That evening I treated Chris to a vegan takeaway from Zad's in Chorlton as he passed both of his reflexology exams with flying colours and came top of the class, very proud. We had 'chicken' nuggets, curly fries, cheesy chips and a Pig Save pizza (tomato, cheese, hotdogs, pepperoni, maple bacon and smoked seitan), where 50p of the takings go to animal charities. I was impressed at how like a traditional meat pizza it tasted, and the whole order was only £18, a fraction of what you'd pay at Dominoes or Pizza Hut.


On Friday I had my nails done (a girly dusty rose colour, very unlike me!) and I picked Jasmine up afterwards for us to go to Sweet Octopus on the outskirts of Altrincham for coffee and cake as she had the day off. I tried the matcha green tea cake which had the most delicate, light sponge held together with cream, with a soy milk latte. All the cakes are handmade on the premises, and are so pretty and dainty looking, I always struggle to decide which to buy. They are also ridiculously cheap for how professional and fancy they look, it really is a hidden gem. We were there for two hours discussing house renovations and putting the world to rights before I had to dash to do the school run. 


That evening after work I went back into Altrincham with Abi for a glass of wine and to hear the tales from her Vietnam trip that she has just returned from. We went to The Cellar near the market place, which is cosy to have a chit chat and they had a pleasant singer on for some casual background music. Yesterday I had a super lazy day, I didn't get out of bed until gone 11am, stayed in my pyjamas until 3pm (albeit as I was actually cleaning the flat) and then made myself vaguely presentable to go and visit Chris on the boat in Poynton for the night. We had tea at his local The Boar's Head , which is a proper Cheshire country pub, with modest prices to boot - two large glasses of wine and a massive plate of liver, potatoes and veg for less than fifteen pound, definitely can't complain at that!


Today we had breakfast in bed (avocado, bagels, tomatoes, spinach and vegan cheese) and then had the cutest afternoon taking the doggies to a play area in Wythenshawe called Central Bark. We paid £7.50 for Fez and Lola to go in for an hour, whilst we chilled in 'The Beach Dog' cafe where I indulged in a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake, and a veggie barbecue hotdog. Ferryn has been asleep all evening since we've been back, so I will definitely be returning! I am now off for Chris to practise some techniques he has been learning on his new Swedish massage course on me; I've had worse Sunday evenings! 


Sunday 14 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Two
'Yeah, she's a circus. But soon you'll want to run away with her and never come back.'
(J. M. Storm)

Aum went back to school this week, so I could tick off a few things on my to do list which had been festering there for a while, including getting my car bulbs changed (Ferryn and I had a lovely little wander into Gatley for a coffee at Coffee Fix whilst it was being done) and dragging myself back to yoga/ the gym. On Tuesday my boss bought me some beautiful La Duree macarons as a present from her trip, which perked up the week. Those who haven't tried them, if you're ever in Paris or London (or various other places around the world) go and buy some, they are pricey but incredible. I recommend the rose or pistachio varieties - DREAMY.  

My days were also freed up for more house viewings, so despite crossing the one I really liked off my list since last week as I decided it was a tad too remote, on Friday I found a little gem with great potential for way under my budget, so fingers crossed the vendor likes my offer! That evening Chris came round and made an amazing paneer and chickpea curry, and I also got a new poem up on Instagram, read it here.

Yesterday I babysat for a few hours in the morning for some extra cash, and then did a food shop with Mum in the afternoon. It was my first fully vegetarian big shop, which I am quite proud of. I don't think I'll ever be a 100% non meat eater, but I have definitely reduced the amount I consume; I started with a goal of a minimum of three veggie days a week from August, and intended upping it to five days a week this year, but I have actually not eaten any meat (still some fish) since New Year's Eve. I have not only found it pretty easy to do, but the more time passes the more I find myself not wanting to eat any, and I generally feel much healthier and less sluggish/ bloated.

Last night I stayed in, had a bath (whilst listening to Phantoms vs Fire who I have discovered is brilliant, see track above), and finished the bottle of wine I started with tea on Friday. I also, perhaps prematurely, logged back into my Pinterest account to chart some ideas for new rooms in whatever house I end up in. I haven't been on it since I bought my flat, so it was quite satisfying looking at my old pins and seeing how they have come to fruition in my current home. For anyone who is interested, you can have a gander at my boards here.

Today was the first session of Chris's latest venture, 'Make A Ditty With Chris' - a little kids guitar/ music jamming lesson to be held fortnightly at a cafe in Withington called Boho Utopia. It is proper funky and bohemian, with a creative space upstairs full of beanbags and material drapes on the walls. I thought I'd go along to be supportive (nothing to do with sampling their scrummy looking all vegan menu...) and chilled out with an almond milk latte browsing Pinterest for new house ideas whilst he was occupied for an hour.  


His niece was taking part, so together with his brother we all ate brunch afterwards. I had the breakfast which included sausage, beans, avocado, toast, tomatoes, mushrooms, halloumi and black pudding, and I was pleasantly surprised at the non-meat equivalents, especially the black pudding, I wouldn't have noticed the difference!

I am now back at the boat with him and the dogs for the night; it is the perfect place for a lazy Sunday, fire on, lots of brews, and I made a feta, red pepper and kale filo tart for tea which was delish. Feeling refreshed ready for the coming week, when hopefully I will have secured a new home! 

Sunday 7 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week One
'I don't cry wolf, I make wolves cry.'
(Leya Noir)

Happy new year! I can't believe how quickly the last one flew by. 2017 was a complete whirlwind rollercoaster (albeit a bloody great one) and as well as having a ball, meeting some fab new people and going on a record breaking twenty one plane trips, I can honestly say I'm really blummin' proud of myself. I learnt some valuable lessons which have changed me for the better, and in doing so shaped the year into what I wanted and deserved it to be. Here's hoping the theme continues and 2018 is just as badass. Track for this week is the return of the one and only JT, with a decent song, unlike the shite he returned with a few years ago.


2018 got off to a flying start with a substantial lack of hangover, pretty much a miracle for a January 1st. After a lengthy lie in, I spent the day lounging on the barge with Chris, eating pizza, watching Black Mirror and napping. I don't care what anyone says, a day like that is always going to be up there with my faves. His six year old niece Izzy came for a sleepover that evening, so we had proper hot chocolate, marshmallows and all, and watched The Goonies (which I am embarrassed to say I hadn't seen before). Fitting three people in a little double bed wasn't the ideal sleeping arrangement, but years of kipping at festivals and house parties stood me in good stead. 

The following day I went to my mum's to collect Ferryn, made cheese toasties for lunch, played some card games and Izzy taught me how to work my new record player (cheers to Chris for the hipster Xmas pressie). She's a top little girl, but boy were we knackered once she'd gone home - being at work again on Wednesday meant a bath and early night were necessary afterwards!

My first few days back were relatively painless, Aum had playdates on two of the three days which meant I still had a bit of time to get back into the gym, get some poetry up (read it here) and get my nails done. I had tea at Mum's on Friday, where she made a beaut parmesan and butternut squash risotto, and on Saturday I went to view three houses with her, one of which I REALLY liked, and am considering putting an offer on. In the afternoon my auntie and cousin came shopping with us in Stockport, where I absolutely cleaned up in Primark. I spent just under fifty quid and got a '70s style jumper, a khaki pleather pleated skirt, some tartan culottes, a pair of blue velvet boots, tights, underwear and some pj tops. Love a good haul! 

On Saturday evening I went out for food and drinks with Emily, Smeed and Jonny, none of whom I had seen over Christmas so it was fun to catch up. We had a cocktail in Victor's before eating at Sigiriya, the relatively new Sri Lankan restaurant in Hale that I have wanted to try for ages. Em and I shared a starter of spinach and cheese tikki (similar to croquettes), followed by two different seer fish curries; one with Sri Lankan spices and mustard powder and one with coriander, mint and chillis. I rarely eat rice so had a tandoor roti to accompany, and shared a bottle of red wine with Jonny. It was all gorgeous; flavoursome, a bit different and decent portions, but it did cost us forty two quid a head so I won't be going there every week!

We went for another cocktail in Riddles in Alty afterwards, and then to The Con Club where we stayed until closing. For a spontaneous night out that was only properly organised that day, I had a lovely evening, and Chris collecting me after he'd finished DJing, so I got a free ride home too!

Today I viewed a stunning house, but I think it will go for quite a bit over the asking price, which unfortunately would push it out of my budget. I popped to mum's for lunch, and then after a quick run around the footy fields with the dogs (and a bath for them both after they got covered in mud) we watched Will Smith's new Netflix film Bright, had paella, and I am now about to have a massage as Chris needs to practise his techniques from a course he did yesterday. It's a hard life...