Sunday 14 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2017 - Week Two
'Yeah, she's a circus. But soon you'll want to run away with her and never come back.'
(J. M. Storm)

Aum went back to school this week, so I could tick off a few things on my to do list which had been festering there for a while, including getting my car bulbs changed (Ferryn and I had a lovely little wander into Gatley for a coffee at Coffee Fix whilst it was being done) and dragging myself back to yoga/ the gym. On Tuesday my boss bought me some beautiful La Duree macarons as a present from her trip, which perked up the week. Those who haven't tried them, if you're ever in Paris or London (or various other places around the world) go and buy some, they are pricey but incredible. I recommend the rose or pistachio varieties - DREAMY.  

My days were also freed up for more house viewings, so despite crossing the one I really liked off my list since last week as I decided it was a tad too remote, on Friday I found a little gem with great potential for way under my budget, so fingers crossed the vendor likes my offer! That evening Chris came round and made an amazing paneer and chickpea curry, and I also got a new poem up on Instagram, read it here.

Yesterday I babysat for a few hours in the morning for some extra cash, and then did a food shop with Mum in the afternoon. It was my first fully vegetarian big shop, which I am quite proud of. I don't think I'll ever be a 100% non meat eater, but I have definitely reduced the amount I consume; I started with a goal of a minimum of three veggie days a week from August, and intended upping it to five days a week this year, but I have actually not eaten any meat (still some fish) since New Year's Eve. I have not only found it pretty easy to do, but the more time passes the more I find myself not wanting to eat any, and I generally feel much healthier and less sluggish/ bloated.

Last night I stayed in, had a bath (whilst listening to Phantoms vs Fire who I have discovered is brilliant, see track above), and finished the bottle of wine I started with tea on Friday. I also, perhaps prematurely, logged back into my Pinterest account to chart some ideas for new rooms in whatever house I end up in. I haven't been on it since I bought my flat, so it was quite satisfying looking at my old pins and seeing how they have come to fruition in my current home. For anyone who is interested, you can have a gander at my boards here.

Today was the first session of Chris's latest venture, 'Make A Ditty With Chris' - a little kids guitar/ music jamming lesson to be held fortnightly at a cafe in Withington called Boho Utopia. It is proper funky and bohemian, with a creative space upstairs full of beanbags and material drapes on the walls. I thought I'd go along to be supportive (nothing to do with sampling their scrummy looking all vegan menu...) and chilled out with an almond milk latte browsing Pinterest for new house ideas whilst he was occupied for an hour.  


His niece was taking part, so together with his brother we all ate brunch afterwards. I had the breakfast which included sausage, beans, avocado, toast, tomatoes, mushrooms, halloumi and black pudding, and I was pleasantly surprised at the non-meat equivalents, especially the black pudding, I wouldn't have noticed the difference!

I am now back at the boat with him and the dogs for the night; it is the perfect place for a lazy Sunday, fire on, lots of brews, and I made a feta, red pepper and kale filo tart for tea which was delish. Feeling refreshed ready for the coming week, when hopefully I will have secured a new home! 

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