Sunday 28 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week Four
'What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.'

I was a bit naughty last week and didn't do my Instagram poem, so I put one up on Monday instead, read it here. My track for the last seven days is a golden oldie by my Queen, Lady Gaga, as my 2009 record store day exclusive vinyl copy of The Fame Monster arrived on Friday so I have been spinning it all weekend, this is my favourite tune off it.

On Tuesday I had a very grownup mortgage meeting and then went to visit the house I have bought again, this time with Mum and Dad who hadn't seen it before. My mum definitely saw the great potential it has, even if Dad was a little dubious; probably due to being more realistic with how much work and money is involved in renovating!

On Wednesday Aum had a random day off school, so I took him and a friend to see Paddington 2 at the Trafford Centre and for lunch at KFC. It was the cutest film ever! Such a heartwarming watch, I came out of the screen feeling all mushy and fuzzy inside (totally didn't tear up at all...). That evening a few of the girls came 'round to mine and I made us a Thai green chicken curry. It was lovely to have a natter as I hadn't seen Hannah and Tasha since before Christmas, so I filled them in on all my property plans and listened to their life updates.

On Thursday night I went to The Eagle Inn in Salford with Chris to watch his friend's covers band, Ron Direction. I had a few wines and it was rammed with supporters; The Eagle Inn is one of those proper cosy old fashioned pubs so it was a fun way to spend an evening together, even if on Friday I felt far too ill for the amount I'd had to drink. I stayed on the boat that evening and Chris made us a lentil and spinach lasagne that definitely hit the hangover munchies spot. We watched La Haine, which has been on my 'films to see' for years, but we have devised a list that we are gradually working our way through from imdb's recommended 250. It was gritty and the French subtitles took a bit of getting used to but it was well worth a watch.

Yesterday I met Abi in Manchester for a spot of day drinking. I was digging my outfit even though it was pretty thrown together - a combo of blue velvet & faux fur boots, wide legged culottes and a crop top, I felt like I was in a hip-hop video! We started in Convenience Store which is on the old Keko Moku site in the Northern Quarter, and apart from an outfit/ theme change it is set out the same. It is no longer a tiki hut but, as the name suggests, styled like a US newsagents, complete with neon signs, posters advertising American cereal, and confectionary counter from which they serve tasty cocktails (as you can tell, it is still just as hipster). I had the 'Cheeri-fucking-o Kiddo' (*rolls eyes*), which was made with vanilla ice cream, vanilla vodka, coffee liqueur, milk and topped with whipped cream, cheerios and cinnamon crunch cereal, mad. I did have an early breakfast though, so it was basically a liquid lunch!

Afterwards we headed to Turtle Bay and The Whiskey Jar to take advantage of their happy hours (2 for 1 before 7pm) where we stuck to some classics: a mojito and a French martini. I must admit, I love getting doled up and going on a night out, but there is definitely something satisfying about having a few cocktails in the afternoon and being back at home for some decent grub at tea time instead of cheesy chips at 3am! I had been well domesticated and pre-prepared a sweet potato veggie shepherd's pie to whack in the oven for Chris and I when I got in, which went down a treat.


This morning I had Aum's party (two months after his actual birthday!) which was at Inflatanation in Trafford Park. I didn't go on the inflatables, mainly as the prospect of being ganged up on by 15 eleven year olds didn't appeal too much, but it looked incredible, and I will totally venture back just with him at some point to give it a try. I am now on the toasty boat again after a very pleasant walk along the bridle path with the doggies and Chris; I've been in one of those pensive, nostalgic moods this week and my head has been a bit all over the place, so the fresh air and a bit of a vent about how I was feeling gave me a boost. Starting next week detoxed with a clean mind!

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