Sunday 7 January 2018

Weekly Musings

2018 - Week One
'I don't cry wolf, I make wolves cry.'
(Leya Noir)

Happy new year! I can't believe how quickly the last one flew by. 2017 was a complete whirlwind rollercoaster (albeit a bloody great one) and as well as having a ball, meeting some fab new people and going on a record breaking twenty one plane trips, I can honestly say I'm really blummin' proud of myself. I learnt some valuable lessons which have changed me for the better, and in doing so shaped the year into what I wanted and deserved it to be. Here's hoping the theme continues and 2018 is just as badass. Track for this week is the return of the one and only JT, with a decent song, unlike the shite he returned with a few years ago.


2018 got off to a flying start with a substantial lack of hangover, pretty much a miracle for a January 1st. After a lengthy lie in, I spent the day lounging on the barge with Chris, eating pizza, watching Black Mirror and napping. I don't care what anyone says, a day like that is always going to be up there with my faves. His six year old niece Izzy came for a sleepover that evening, so we had proper hot chocolate, marshmallows and all, and watched The Goonies (which I am embarrassed to say I hadn't seen before). Fitting three people in a little double bed wasn't the ideal sleeping arrangement, but years of kipping at festivals and house parties stood me in good stead. 

The following day I went to my mum's to collect Ferryn, made cheese toasties for lunch, played some card games and Izzy taught me how to work my new record player (cheers to Chris for the hipster Xmas pressie). She's a top little girl, but boy were we knackered once she'd gone home - being at work again on Wednesday meant a bath and early night were necessary afterwards!

My first few days back were relatively painless, Aum had playdates on two of the three days which meant I still had a bit of time to get back into the gym, get some poetry up (read it here) and get my nails done. I had tea at Mum's on Friday, where she made a beaut parmesan and butternut squash risotto, and on Saturday I went to view three houses with her, one of which I REALLY liked, and am considering putting an offer on. In the afternoon my auntie and cousin came shopping with us in Stockport, where I absolutely cleaned up in Primark. I spent just under fifty quid and got a '70s style jumper, a khaki pleather pleated skirt, some tartan culottes, a pair of blue velvet boots, tights, underwear and some pj tops. Love a good haul! 

On Saturday evening I went out for food and drinks with Emily, Smeed and Jonny, none of whom I had seen over Christmas so it was fun to catch up. We had a cocktail in Victor's before eating at Sigiriya, the relatively new Sri Lankan restaurant in Hale that I have wanted to try for ages. Em and I shared a starter of spinach and cheese tikki (similar to croquettes), followed by two different seer fish curries; one with Sri Lankan spices and mustard powder and one with coriander, mint and chillis. I rarely eat rice so had a tandoor roti to accompany, and shared a bottle of red wine with Jonny. It was all gorgeous; flavoursome, a bit different and decent portions, but it did cost us forty two quid a head so I won't be going there every week!

We went for another cocktail in Riddles in Alty afterwards, and then to The Con Club where we stayed until closing. For a spontaneous night out that was only properly organised that day, I had a lovely evening, and Chris collecting me after he'd finished DJing, so I got a free ride home too!

Today I viewed a stunning house, but I think it will go for quite a bit over the asking price, which unfortunately would push it out of my budget. I popped to mum's for lunch, and then after a quick run around the footy fields with the dogs (and a bath for them both after they got covered in mud) we watched Will Smith's new Netflix film Bright, had paella, and I am now about to have a massage as Chris needs to practise his techniques from a course he did yesterday. It's a hard life...

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